February 2007
Depository Library PURL Referral Report
Michigan State University | 423 |
er.lib.msu.edu | 218 |
www.lib.msu.edu | 87 |
www2.lib.msu.edu | 31 |
intranet.lib.msu.edu | 25 |
www.msu.edu | 22 |
www.lir.msu.edu | 13 |
www.law.msu.edu | 11 |
blog.lib.msu.edu | 4 |
er.lib.msu.edu.proxy1.cl.msu.edu | 3 |
magic.msu.edu | 2 |
guides.lib.msu.edu | 2 |
h-net.msu.edu | 2 |
www2.lib.msu.edu.proxy1.cl.msu.edu | 1 |
er.lib.msu.edu.proxy2.cl.msu.edu | 1 |
fizzgig3.test.lib.msu.edu | 1 |
The University of Michigan | 403 |
www.lib.umich.edu | 369 |
lexcalibur.lib.law.umich.edu | 10 |
www.law.umich.edu | 4 |
vlt.engin.umd.umich.edu | 3 |
www-personal.umich.edu | 3 |
lib.umich.edu | 2 |
libproxy.law.umich.edu | 2 |
www.med.umich.edu | 2 |
www.umich.edu | 2 |
searchtools.lib.umich.edu | 2 |
www.sph.umich.edu | 1 |
www.access.gpo.gov.proxy.lib.umich.edu | 1 |
p9003-sfx.lib.umich.edu.proxy.lib.umich.edu | 1 |
ctools.umich.edu | 1 |
California State Library | 396 |
www.dir.ca.gov | 75 |
www.arb.ca.gov | 66 |
www.aging.ca.gov | 43 |
www.cde.ca.gov | 39 |
www.ca.gov | 28 |
admin.int.dhs.ca.gov | 24 |
www.dtsc.ca.gov | 19 |
www.oes.ca.gov | 10 |
www.applications.dhs.ca.gov | 8 |
www.post.ca.gov | 6 |
www.cdfa.ca.gov | 5 |
www.cdss.ca.gov | 5 |
www.library.ca.gov | 5 |
ag.ca.gov | 5 |
www.dca.ca.gov | 5 |
osfm.fire.ca.gov | 5 |
www.calbar.ca.gov | 5 |
www.dds.ca.gov | 4 |
www.cdsscounties.ca.gov | 4 |
www.dhs.ca.gov | 4 |
www.dmv.ca.gov | 3 |
sunnyvale.ca.gov | 3 |
staging.cde.ca.gov | 3 |
www.cps.ca.gov | 3 |
www.courtinfo.ca.gov | 2 |
www.bcdc.ca.gov | 2 |
www.dfg.ca.gov | 2 |
www.oc.ca.gov | 2 |
www.wicworks.ca.gov | 1 |
www.dmv.ca.gov. | 1 |
www.homeland.ca.gov | 1 |
www.dmh.ca.gov | 1 |
my.ca.gov | 1 |
www.green.ca.gov | 1 |
www.ciwmb.ca.gov | 1 |
www.lib.state.ca.us | 1 |
www.adp.ca.gov | 1 |
onramp.dot.ca.gov | 1 |
www.dss.ca.gov | 1 |
University of Massachusetts Amherst | 374 |
ciir.cs.umass.edu | 338 |
www.library.umass.edu | 27 |
people.umass.edu | 7 |
www.umass.edu | 2 |
Queens College | 281 |
ny.bbprod.cuny.edu | 188 |
qcpages.qc.cuny.edu | 20 |
lc.bbprod.cuny.edu | 19 |
www.ccny.cuny.edu | 14 |
www.law.cuny.edu | 6 |
www.library.csi.cuny.edu | 5 |
library.brooklyn.cuny.edu | 3 |
apps.appl.cuny.edu | 3 |
hc.bbprod.cuny.edu | 2 |
library.hunter.cuny.edu | 2 |
library.wexler.hunter.cuny.edu | 2 |
www.hostos.cuny.edu | 2 |
lib2.bmcc.cuny.edu | 2 |
newman.baruch.cuny.edu | 2 |
p83-apps.appl.cuny.edu.ezproxy.gc.cuny.edu | 1 |
origin.admin.ccny.cuny.edu | 1 |
www.lib.jjay.cuny.edu | 1 |
www.kbcc.cuny.edu | 1 |
si.bbprod.cuny.edu | 1 |
jj.bbprod.cuny.edu | 1 |
p83-apps.appl.cuny.edu.ccny-proxy1.libr.ccny.cuny.edu | 1 |
bb.bbprod.cuny.edu | 1 |
lib1.bmcc.cuny.edu | 1 |
dewey.brooklyn.cuny.edu | 1 |
bx.bbprod.cuny.edu | 1 |
Cornell University | 254 |
www.law.cornell.edu | 140 |
cfr.law.cornell.edu | 35 |
www4.law.cornell.edu | 21 |
library.lawschool.cornell.edu | 21 |
catalog.library.cornell.edu | 11 |
www.blackboard.cornell.edu | 10 |
www.library.cornell.edu | 7 |
erms.library.cornell.edu | 4 |
lts.library.cornell.edu | 1 |
lii.law.cornell.edu | 1 |
www.ciser.cornell.edu | 1 |
www.ilr.cornell.edu | 1 |
wfsearch.webfeat.org.proxy.library.cornell.edu | 1 |
University of Texas at Austin | 202 |
tarlton.law.utexas.edu | 92 |
www.lib.utexas.edu | 91 |
www.la.utexas.edu | 5 |
utdirect.utexas.edu | 4 |
www.ischool.utexas.edu | 2 |
web4.cc.utexas.edu | 2 |
p9003-www.lib.utexas.edu.content.lib.utexas.edu | 1 |
www.dec.utexas.edu | 1 |
xena.nur.utexas.edu | 1 |
www.courses.utexas.edu | 1 |
tallons.law.utexas.edu | 1 |
www.utexas.edu | 1 |
U.S. Government Accountability Office | 196 |
www.gao.gov | 186 |
gaoweb.gao.gov | 5 |
gao.gov | 4 |
info1.gao.gov | 1 |
University of Washington | 179 |
lib.law.washington.edu | 110 |
www.lib.washington.edu | 34 |
www.iphc.washington.edu | 15 |
faculty.washington.edu | 4 |
catalog.lib.washington.edu | 4 |
marian.law.washington.edu | 3 |
www.washington.edu | 2 |
www.econ.washington.edu | 2 |
lib.washington.edu | 1 |
depts.washington.edu | 1 |
bb.tacoma.washington.edu | 1 |
www.grad.washington.edu | 1 |
healthlinks.washington.edu | 1 |
Northwestern University | 172 |
www3.law.northwestern.edu | 131 |
www.law.northwestern.edu | 16 |
nucat.library.northwestern.edu | 7 |
www.faculty.econ.northwestern.edu | 7 |
www.library.northwestern.edu | 5 |
www.galter.northwestern.edu | 3 |
www.scs.northwestern.edu | 1 |
www.development.northwestern.edu | 1 |
er.library.northwestern.edu | 1 |
University at Buffalo | 151 |
informatics.buffalo.edu | 99 |
ublib.buffalo.edu | 27 |
libweb1.lib.buffalo.edu | 15 |
newfirstsearch.oclc.org.gate.lib.buffalo.edu | 5 |
libweb.lib.buffalo.edu | 2 |
law.lib.buffalo.edu | 2 |
www.acsu.buffalo.edu | 1 |
Columbia University | 150 |
www.columbia.edu | 122 |
wwwapp.cc.columbia.edu | 11 |
www.ehrs.columbia.edu | 6 |
clio.cul.columbia.edu | 4 |
pegasus.law.columbia.edu | 3 |
www.law.columbia.edu | 2 |
www.cumc.columbia.edu | 1 |
hrcr.law.columbia.edu | 1 |
Mercer University | 141 |
www.diana-teknologia.com [[email protected]] | 40 |
[unknown origin] | 35 |
Field blocked by ProxyWay (http | 8 |
Field blocked by Outpost Firewall (http | 8 |
lawcat.mercer.edu | 6 |
www.law.mercer.edu | 4 |
tarver.mercer.edu | 3 |
No Referrer | 2 |
law.mercer.edu | 1 |
1Q3XQ-7QDPGCQ')YcMakk2e3a!)XCG3#CT_U12 Tal-)M7D | 1 |
DynaWeb http | 1 |
library.mercer.edu | 1 |
Georgetown University | 137 |
www.ll.georgetown.edu | 100 |
www.library.georgetown.edu | 23 |
catalog.library.georgetown.edu | 3 |
gull.georgetown.edu | 3 |
library.georgetown.edu | 2 |
www.law.georgetown.edu | 2 |
campus.georgetown.edu | 1 |
www.georgetown.edu | 1 |
www9.georgetown.edu | 1 |
ccf.georgetown.edu | 1 |
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse | 131 |
www.uwlax.edu | 130 |
libweb.uwlax.edu | 1 |
St. Mary's University | 131 |
library.stmarytx.edu | 131 |
University of Minnesota | 129 |
govpubs.lib.umn.edu | 37 |
www.d.umn.edu | 34 |
courses.lib.umn.edu | 11 |
www.law.umn.edu | 11 |
saturn.oit.umn.edu | 7 |
www.lib.umn.edu | 6 |
tc.liblink.umn.edu | 6 |
google.umn.edu | 5 |
blog.lib.umn.edu | 2 |
www.duluth.umn.edu | 2 |
www.econ.umn.edu | 2 |
quickstart.morris.umn.edu | 2 |
www.d.umn.edu.webapps.d.umn.edu | 1 |
www.apec.umn.edu | 1 |
www.tc.umn.edu | 1 |
www.mrs.umn.edu | 1 |
New York University | 125 |
classes.nyu.edu | 81 |
pages.stern.nyu.edu | 18 |
www.law.nyu.edu | 7 |
library.nyu.edu | 6 |
mail.nyu.edu | 3 |
julius.law.nyu.edu | 3 |
www.bobcat.nyu.edu | 2 |
sfx.library.nyu.edu | 2 |
homepages.nyu.edu | 1 |
library.med.nyu.edu | 1 |
ezproxy.library.nyu.edu | 1 |
Saint Louis University | 115 |
law.slu.edu | 94 |
www.slu.edu | 15 |
libcat.slu.edu | 5 |
hy2ju6vj2n.search.serialssolutions.com.ezp.slu.edu | 1 |
The State Library of Ohio | 114 |
odmrdd.state.oh.us | 67 |
www.auditor.state.oh.us | 18 |
winslo.state.oh.us | 9 |
www.odmrdd.state.oh.us | 7 |
intranet.puc.state.oh.us | 5 |
www.dot.state.oh.us | 5 |
www.epa.state.oh.us | 2 |
www.winslo.state.oh.us | 1 |
Emory University | 105 |
www.law.emory.edu | 76 |
business.library.emory.edu | 17 |
web.library.emory.edu | 6 |
www.library.emory.edu | 4 |
www.healthlibrary.emory.edu | 1 |
mail.law.emory.edu | 1 |
Louisiana State University | 97 |
www.lib.lsu.edu | 82 |
mymail.paws.lsu.edu | 6 |
appl003.lsu.edu | 4 |
www.law.lsu.edu | 2 |
www.lsu.edu | 2 |
www.manship2.lsu.edu | 1 |
Indiana University | 97 |
www.law.indiana.edu | 35 |
www.libraries.iub.edu | 31 |
www.indiana.edu | 19 |
www.research.iu.edu | 1 |
mypage.iu.edu | 1 |
www.research.indiana.edu | 1 |
www.iucat.iu.edu | 1 |
law.indiana.edu | 1 |
www.iub.edu | 1 |
dc-snmp.grnoc.iu.edu | 1 |
www.msms.iu.edu | 1 |
bl-libg-doghill.ads.iu.edu | 1 |
kb.iu.edu | 1 |
hydra.lib.indiana.edu | 1 |
webmail.iu.edu | 1 |
University of Maryland | 96 |
www.arec.umd.edu | 28 |
researchport.umd.edu | 25 |
www.lib.umd.edu | 16 |
www.econ.umd.edu | 7 |
reporter.umd.edu | 5 |
www.wam.umd.edu | 5 |
catalog.umd.edu | 3 |
www.reporter.umd.edu | 3 |
researchport.umd.edu.ezproxy.law.umaryland.edu | 1 |
www.jclass.umd.edu | 1 |
vbic.umd.edu | 1 |
www.umresearch.umd.edu | 1 |
University of Delaware | 77 |
www2.lib.udel.edu | 47 |
copland.udel.edu | 16 |
www.lib.udel.edu | 6 |
larned.lib.udel.edu | 5 |
delcat.udel.edu | 3 |
Vanderbilt University | 74 |
lib11.library.vanderbilt.edu | 29 |
www.mc.vanderbilt.edu | 20 |
www.vanderbilt.edu | 14 |
www.library.vanderbilt.edu | 6 |
www-prod.law.vanderbilt.edu | 3 |
law.vanderbilt.edu | 1 |
sfx.library.vanderbilt.edu | 1 |
University of Oregon | 68 |
libweb.uoregon.edu | 60 |
janus.uoregon.edu | 4 |
lawlibrary.uoregon.edu | 2 |
breeze.uoregon.edu | 2 |
Trinity University | 66 |
www.trinity.edu | 62 |
bb.trinity.edu | 3 |
lib.trinity.edu | 1 |
George Mason University | 66 |
furbo.gmu.edu | 57 |
classweb.gmu.edu | 6 |
mason.gmu.edu | 2 |
magik.gmu.edu | 1 |
University of New Mexico | 61 |
elibrary.unm.edu | 30 |
www.unm.edu | 11 |
research.unm.edu | 6 |
hestia.health.unm.edu | 4 |
libros.unm.edu | 4 |
lawschool.unm.edu | 3 |
hsc.unm.edu | 1 |
www.la.unm.edu | 1 |
library.unm.edu | 1 |
Western Michigan University | 56 |
www.wmich.edu | 45 |
homepages.wmich.edu | 11 |
University of Connecticut | 56 |
vista.uconn.edu | 24 |
www.lib.uconn.edu | 13 |
www.law.uconn.edu | 9 |
lib.uconn.edu | 6 |
uconl.law.uconn.edu | 2 |
continuingstudies.uconn.edu | 1 |
www.osp.uconn.edu | 1 |
Wyoming Libraries Database | 56 |
wyld.state.wy.us | 25 |
www.ccpls.org | 6 |
will.state.wy.us | 6 |
www.courts.state.wy.us | 5 |
soswy.state.wy.us | 5 |
www-wsl.state.wy.us | 4 |
legisweb.state.wy.us | 2 |
courts.state.wy.us | 2 |
wogcc.state.wy.us | 1 |
University of California, Los Angeles | 53 |
www.library.ucla.edu | 20 |
www2.library.ucla.edu | 15 |
www.adminvc.ucla.edu | 7 |
catalog.library.ucla.edu | 7 |
polaris.gseis.ucla.edu | 2 |
www.sscnet.ucla.edu | 1 |
www.anderson.ucla.edu | 1 |
Auraria Library Online Catalog | 52 |
library.auraria.edu | 49 | | 3 |
Southern Illinois University Carbondale | 52 |
www.law.siu.edu | 39 |
www.lib.siu.edu | 10 |
www.siu.edu | 2 |
twister.lib.siu.edu | 1 |
Northern Arizona University | 52 |
www6.nau.edu | 24 |
www2.nau.edu | 15 |
www.prm.nau.edu | 5 |
www.cba.nau.edu | 4 |
jan.ucc.nau.edu | 3 |
www4.nau.edu | 1 |
DePaul University | 51 |
fac.comtech.depaul.edu | 41 |
www.law.depaul.edu | 4 |
condor.depaul.edu | 4 |
kellstadt.depaul.edu | 2 |
Stetson University | 49 |
program.law.stetson.edu | 46 |
www.stetson.edu | 3 |
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | 49 |
www.library.siue.edu | 49 |
California State University, Northridge | 47 |
library.csun.edu | 44 |
suncat.csun.edu | 3 |
New York Public Library | 47 |
www.nypl.org | 35 |
sibl.nypl.org | 5 |
nypl.org | 3 |
catnyp.nypl.org | 2 |
leopac4.nypl.org | 1 |
leopac6.nypl.org | 1 |
University of Cincinnati | 46 |
www.libraries.uc.edu | 35 |
libraries.uc.edu | 5 |
www.law.uc.edu | 4 |
www.libraries.uc.edu. | 1 |
uclid.uc.edu | 1 |
University of North Texas | 45 |
www.library.unt.edu | 38 |
webctvista.unt.edu | 6 |
courses.unt.edu | 1 |
University of Kentucky | 44 |
www.uky.edu | 40 |
infokat.uky.edu | 3 |
www.ca.uky.edu | 1 |
Delta College | 44 |
www.delta.edu | 43 |
educator.delta.edu | 1 |
Purdue University | 43 |
www.lib.purdue.edu | 32 |
gemini.lib.purdue.edu | 8 |
joe.english.purdue.edu | 2 |
www.calumet.purdue.edu | 1 |
University of Montana | 42 |
www.umt.edu | 28 |
weblib.lib.umt.edu | 9 |
www.lib.umt.edu | 5 |
Benton Harbor Public Library | 42 |
www.geocities.com | 40 |
geocities.com | 2 |
Western Washington University | 42 |
www.library.wwu.edu | 37 |
courses.wwu.edu | 3 |
www.ac.wwu.edu | 1 |
www.library.wwu.edu.ezproxy.library.wwu.edu | 1 |
Southeastern Louisiana University | 41 |
www.selu.edu | 39 |
blackboard.selu.edu | 1 |
www2.selu.edu | 1 |
State Library of Massachusetts | 41 |
www.mass.gov | 41 |
Rowan University | 40 |
www.rowan.edu | 40 |
Iowa State University | 40 |
www.lib.iastate.edu | 39 |
www.bus.iastate.edu | 1 |
University of Miami | 39 |
library.law.miami.edu | 17 |
privacy.med.miami.edu | 11 |
personal.law.miami.edu | 4 |
www2.bus.miami.edu | 2 |
calder.med.miami.edu | 2 |
www.privacy.med.miami.edu | 1 |
www.bus.miami.edu | 1 |
eprost.med.miami.edu | 1 |
Southern Oregon University | 39 |
www.sou.edu | 38 |
sou.edu | 1 |
Western Illinois University | 39 |
www.wiu.edu | 39 |
Old Dominion University | 39 |
www.lib.odu.edu | 23 |
iii.lib.odu.edu | 12 |
gx6ac7lq4l.search.serialssolutions.com.proxy.lib.odu.edu | 2 |
newfirstsearch.oclc.org.proxy.lib.odu.edu | 1 |
www.lib.odu.edu.proxy.lib.odu.edu | 1 |
Northern Kentucky University | 38 |
library.nku.edu | 32 |
chaselaw.nku.edu | 5 |
www.nku.edu | 1 |
National Defense University | 38 |
www.ndu.edu | 29 |
intranet.ndu.edu | 6 |
www.jfsc.ndu.edu | 2 |
libpac.ndu.edu | 1 |
The University of Iowa | 37 |
bailiwick.lib.uiowa.edu | 10 |
www.lib.uiowa.edu | 9 |
infohawk.uiowa.edu | 9 |
www.uiowa.edu | 7 |
www.law.uiowa.edu | 1 |
test.lib.uiowa.edu | 1 |
University of Oklahoma | 36 |
libraries.ou.edu | 17 |
learn.ou.edu | 17 |
swpc.ou.edu | 1 |
www.libraries.ou.edu | 1 |
University of California Davis | 36 |
www.lib.ucdavis.edu | 11 |
www.law.ucdavis.edu | 7 |
lawlibrary.ucdavis.edu | 6 |
seafood.ucdavis.edu | 5 |
ucfoodsafety.ucdavis.edu | 4 |
tncweeds.ucdavis.edu | 2 |
law.ucdavis.edu | 1 |
Rhode Island College | 35 |
helin.uri.edu | 29 |
webct.ric.edu | 5 |
0-zu4tq4pb5v.search.serialssolutions.com.helin.uri.edu | 1 |
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey | 34 |
law-library.rutgers.edu | 11 |
www.libraries.rutgers.edu | 8 |
newark.rutgers.edu | 5 |
lawlibrary.rutgers.edu | 5 |
www.iris.rutgers.edu | 4 |
www.libraries.rutgers.edu.proxy.libraries.rutgers.edu | 1 |
Illinois State Library | 34 |
www.cyberdriveillinois.com | 34 |
Miami University | 33 |
www.lib.muohio.edu | 28 |
www.units.muohio.edu | 1 |
staff.lib.muohio.edu | 1 |
www.mid.muohio.edu | 1 |
holmes.lib.muohio.edu | 1 |
proxy.lib.muohio.edu | 1 |
Southern Methodist University | 33 |
www.smu.edu | 10 |
library.law.smu.edu | 10 |
people.smu.edu | 7 |
cmsbb.systems.smu.edu | 5 |
faculty.smu.edu | 1 |
State University System of Florida | 33 |
www.library.fau.edu | 15 |
www.lib.usf.edu | 8 | | 6 |
www.fau.edu | 2 |
metalib.fcla.edu.ezproxy.lib.usf.edu | 1 |
www.stpt.usf.edu | 1 |
University of California, Riverside | 32 |
infomine.ucr.edu | 19 |
lib.ucr.edu | 6 |
library.ucr.edu | 5 |
ilearn.ucr.edu | 1 |
vpn-1.ucr.edu | 1 |
Virginia Commonwealth University | 32 |
blackboard.vcu.edu | 16 |
www.egr.vcu.edu | 9 |
www.library.vcu.edu | 3 |
catalog.library.vcu.edu | 2 |
sfx.library.vcu.edu | 2 |
University of Arizona | 32 |
www.library.arizona.edu | 17 |
www.law.arizona.edu | 10 |
zp9vv3zm2k.ssscom.ezproxy.library.arizona.edu | 1 |
sabio.library.arizona.edu | 1 |
mezcoph.arizona.edu | 1 |
www.u.arizona.edu | 1 |
timon.sir.arizona.edu | 1 |
Georgia Institute of Technology | 31 |
www.library.gatech.edu | 29 |
findit.library.gatech.edu | 1 |
www.osp.gatech.edu | 1 |
University of Wisconsin-Madison | 31 |
library.law.wisc.edu | 8 |
www.rsp.wisc.edu | 6 |
www.disc.wisc.edu | 3 |
www.polisci.wisc.edu | 3 |
grants.library.wisc.edu | 2 |
www.bus.wisc.edu | 2 |
www.library.wisc.edu | 1 |
www.medsch.wisc.edu | 1 |
metalib.wisconsin.edu | 1 |
college.library.wisc.edu | 1 |
www.ssc.wisc.edu | 1 |
www.wendt.wisc.edu | 1 |
scout.wisc.edu | 1 |
University of South Carolina, Columbia | 31 |
www.sc.edu | 17 |
www.law.sc.edu | 5 |
libcat.csd.sc.edu | 3 |
delphi.tcl.sc.edu | 3 |
www.access.gpo.gov.pallas2.tcl.sc.edu | 1 |
www.marcive.com.pallas2.tcl.sc.edu | 1 |
sam.research.sc.edu | 1 |
University of Pittsburgh | 30 |
www.library.pitt.edu | 20 |
pittcat.pitt.edu | 5 |
jurist.law.pitt.edu | 2 |
www.law.pitt.edu | 2 |
www.pitt.edu | 1 |
University of Northern Colorado | 29 |
library.unco.edu | 16 |
www.unco.edu | 11 |
0-xt9lp6eh4r.search.serialssolutions.com.source.unco.edu | 2 |
University of New Haven | 29 |
library.newhaven.edu | 22 |
proxy-server.newhaven.edu | 6 |
www.newhaven.edu | 1 |
Alamo Community College District | 29 |
www.accd.edu | 27 |
passportappl.accd.edu | 1 |
proxy.nvc.accd.edu | 1 |
Vermont Law School | 28 |
users.vermontlaw.edu | 24 |
www.vermontlaw.edu | 2 |
sba.vermontlaw.edu | 1 |
julien.vermontlaw.edu | 1 |
University of California San Diego | 28 |
libraries.ucsd.edu | 18 |
govinfo.ucsd.edu | 4 |
roger.ucsd.edu | 3 |
blink.ucsd.edu | 2 |
ssdc.ucsd.edu | 1 |
Davidson College | 28 |
www.davidson.edu | 28 |
California State University, Chico | 28 |
www.csuchico.edu | 23 |
online2.csuchico.edu | 3 |
library.csuchico.edu | 2 |
University of Colorado | 28 |
ucblibraries.colorado.edu | 19 |
www.colorado.edu | 6 |
libraries.colorado.edu | 2 |
sciencepolicy.colorado.edu | 1 |
Purchase College | 28 |
courseinfo.purchase.edu | 12 |
home.purchase.edu | 9 |
www.purchase.edu | 7 |
University of the Virgin Islands | 27 |
library.uvi.edu | 27 |
Arizona State University | 27 |
www.asu.edu | 11 |
library.lib.asu.edu | 8 |
library.west.asu.edu | 4 |
www.law.asu.edu | 2 |
eastlib.east.asu.edu | 1 |
coe.west.asu.edu | 1 |
University of Georgia | 26 |
www.rx.uga.edu | 8 |
www.cviog.uga.edu | 4 |
andromeda.galib.uga.edu | 3 |
sfx.galib.uga.edu | 3 |
dbs.galib.uga.edu | 2 |
www.vet.uga.edu | 2 |
www.libs.uga.edu | 1 |
gavel.law.uga.edu | 1 |
www.ovpr.uga.edu | 1 |
www.law.uga.edu | 1 |
San Jose State University | 26 |
www.sjlibrary.org | 21 |
sjlibrary.org | 4 |
0-firstsearch.oclc.org.mill1.sjlibrary.org | 1 |
California State University, Long Beach | 25 |
www.csulb.edu | 16 |
blackboard.uces.csulb.edu | 7 |
coast.library.csulb.edu | 1 |
www.foundation.csulb.edu | 1 |
Bowling Green State University | 25 |
www.bgsu.edu | 18 |
maurice.bgsu.edu | 7 |
Texas A&M University | 25 |
lutra.tamu.edu | 13 |
library.tamu.edu | 8 |
www.tamu.edu | 1 |
writingcenter.tamu.edu | 1 |
voyagermis.tamu.edu | 1 |
polychrest.tamu.edu | 1 |
University of California, Santa Cruz | 25 |
library.ucsc.edu | 20 |
library.ucsc.edu.oca.ucsc.edu | 2 |
p8080-library.ucsc.edu.oca.ucsc.edu | 1 |
bob.ucsc.edu | 1 |
cruzcat.ucsc.edu | 1 |
Wake Forest University | 24 |
www.wfu.edu | 7 |
zsr.wfu.edu | 7 |
pcl.wfu.edu | 6 |
catalog.cccl.wfu.edu | 2 |
catalog.pcl.wfu.edu | 1 |
blackboard.wfu.edu | 1 |
Johns Hopkins University | 24 |
www.library.jhu.edu | 17 |
jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu | 3 |
webct.jhu.edu | 2 |
www.welch.jhu.edu | 1 |
library.jhu.edu | 1 |
University of Tulsa | 24 |
www.law.utulsa.edu | 18 |
library.utulsa.edu | 3 |
0-www.heinonline.org.library.utulsa.edu | 3 |
California State University, Fullerton | 24 |
guides.library.fullerton.edu | 17 |
opac.fullerton.edu | 3 |
my.fullerton.edu | 1 |
www.library.fullerton.edu | 1 |
library.fullerton.edu | 1 |
business.fullerton.edu | 1 |
Georgia State University | 24 |
www.library.gsu.edu | 14 |
law.gsu.edu | 6 |
galfe2.gsu.edu | 2 |
wwwebbb.gsu.edu | 1 |
galfe1.gsu.edu | 1 |
C. W. Post Campus, Long Island University | 24 |
www.liu.edu | 11 |
www.cwpost.liu.edu | 10 |
www.cwpost.liunet.edu | 2 |
www.liunet.edu | 1 |
Princeton University | 23 |
library.princeton.edu | 12 |
firestone.princeton.edu | 5 |
blackboard.princeton.edu | 2 |
www.princeton.edu | 1 |
libweb.princeton.edu | 1 |
www.cs.princeton.edu | 1 |
catalog.princeton.edu | 1 |
Coastal Carolina University | 23 |
www.coastal.edu | 23 |
University of California, Santa Barbara | 23 |
www.library.ucsb.edu | 22 |
pegasus.library.ucsb.edu | 1 |
North Carolina State University | 23 |
www.lib.ncsu.edu | 15 |
catalog.lib.ncsu.edu | 3 |
hcl.chass.ncsu.edu | 2 |
www.ces.ncsu.edu | 2 |
wwwstage.lib.ncsu.edu | 1 |
Ohio University | 22 |
www.library.ohiou.edu | 11 |
infotree.library.ohiou.edu | 5 |
oak.cats.ohiou.edu | 3 |
alice.library.ohiou.edu | 2 |
www.ohiou.edu | 1 |
Wayne State University | 22 |
blackboard.wayne.edu | 6 |
www.lib.wayne.edu | 4 |
www.med.wayne.edu | 4 |
www.blackboard.wayne.edu | 3 |
elibrary.wayne.edu | 3 |
lumprod.wayne.edu | 1 |
www.spa.wayne.edu | 1 |
Yale University | 22 |
www.library.yale.edu | 7 |
resources.library.yale.edu | 4 |
www.law.yale.edu | 3 |
kids.law.yale.edu | 2 |
www.som.yale.edu | 2 |
morris.law.yale.edu | 2 |
www.yale.edu | 1 |
orbis.library.yale.edu | 1 |
University of Nebraska, Lincoln | 22 |
www.unl.edu | 14 |
library.unl.edu | 5 |
law.unl.edu | 1 |
libmetafind1a.unl.edu | 1 |
www.carbon.unl.edu | 1 |
University of Missouri-Rolla | 22 |
campus.umr.edu | 20 |
procurement.umr.edu | 2 |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology | 22 |
ocw.mit.edu | 13 |
libraries.mit.edu | 9 |
Naval Postgraduate School | 22 |
www.nps.edu | 16 |
www.ccc.nps.navy.mil | 6 |
Michigan Dept. of History, Arts & Libraries | 22 |
www.michigan.gov | 16 |
web.mel.org | 6 |
Claremont Colleges | 22 |
libraries.claremont.edu | 16 |
voxlibris.claremont.edu | 6 |
Boston College | 22 |
www.bc.edu | 19 |
www2.bc.edu | 2 |
library.bc.edu | 1 |
New Mexico State University | 21 |
lib.nmsu.edu | 18 |
my.nmsu.edu | 2 |
cepfe.nmsu.edu | 1 |
Saint Joseph's University | 21 |
www.sju.edu | 10 |
library.csbsju.edu | 10 |
catalog.sju.edu | 1 |
University of Wisconsin-Platteville | 20 |
www.uwplatt.edu | 20 |
University of Virginia | 20 |
www.law.virginia.edu | 13 |
indorgs.virginia.edu | 5 |
www.lib.virginia.edu | 2 |
University of Nevada. Las Vegas | 20 |
www.library.unlv.edu | 15 |
www.law.unlv.edu | 2 |
webpac.library.unlv.edu | 1 |
www.unlv.edu | 1 |
research.unlv.edu | 1 |
Cleveland State University | 20 |
www.law.csuohio.edu | 13 |
www.ulib.csuohio.edu | 5 |
www.csuohio.edu | 1 |
scholar.csuohio.edu | 1 |
College of William and Mary | 19 |
swem.wm.edu | 11 |
www.wm.edu | 5 |
www.swem.wm.edu | 3 |
Enoch Pratt Free Library | 19 |
www.epfl.net | 19 |
East Carolina University | 19 |
www.ecu.edu | 14 |
vr.coe.ecu.edu | 4 |
core.ecu.edu | 1 |
University of Utah | 19 |
www.law.utah.edu | 7 |
hip.library.utah.edu | 4 |
www-navigator.utah.edu | 3 |
www.lib.utah.edu | 2 |
www.business.utah.edu | 1 |
library.med.utah.edu | 1 |
www.legal.utah.edu | 1 |
University of Texas at San Antonio | 19 |
lib.utsa.edu | 16 |
www.lib.utsa.edu | 3 |
Eastern Michigan University | 18 |
caxton.emich.edu | 7 |
my.emich.edu | 5 |
www.access.gpo.gov.ezproxy.emich.edu | 4 |
www.gsr.emich.edu | 1 |
portal.emich.edu | 1 |
Texas A&M University-Kingsville | 18 | | 18 |
University of Vermont | 18 |
library.uvm.edu | 15 |
www.uvm.edu | 2 |
voyager.uvm.edu | 1 |
University of Mississippi | 18 |
www.olemiss.edu | 13 |
library.law.olemiss.edu | 2 | | 2 |
umiss.lib.olemiss.edu | 1 |
Indiana State University | 18 |
isu.indstate.edu | 6 |
lib.indstate.edu | 5 |
www.indstate.edu | 3 |
library.indstate.edu | 2 |
blackboard.indstate.edu | 1 |
luis.indstate.edu | 1 |
Ohio Wesleyan University | 18 | | 11 |
library.owu.edu | 5 |
lis.owu.edu | 2 |
Wisconsin State Law Library | 17 |
wsll.state.wi.us | 15 |
www.wsll.state.wi.us | 1 |
wiscl.wsll.state.wi.us | 1 |
Idaho State University | 17 |
www.isu.edu | 12 |
www.physics.isu.edu | 3 |
opac.isu.edu | 2 |
Texas A&M Corpus Christi | 17 |
rattler.tamucc.edu | 15 |
www.cob.tamucc.edu | 2 |
Florida State University Libraries | 17 |
www.lib.fsu.edu | 8 |
www.law.fsu.edu | 7 |
www.research.fsu.edu | 2 |
Weber State University | 17 |
library.weber.edu | 17 |
Ball State University | 16 |
www.bsu.edu | 15 |
scotton.iweb.bsu.edu | 1 |
Eastern Washington University | 16 |
www.ewu.edu | 13 |
libsys.ewu.edu | 3 |
Montana State Library | 16 |
mdtinfo.mdt.state.mt.us | 11 |
www.deq.state.mt.us | 4 |
www.opi.state.mt.us | 1 |
San Diego State University | 16 |
www-rohan.sdsu.edu | 5 |
balrog.sdsu.edu | 3 |
infodome.sdsu.edu | 3 |
circuit.sdsu.edu | 1 |
libpac.sdsu.edu | 1 |
metalib.calstate.edu | 1 |
9003-sfx.calstate.edu.torofind.csudh.edu | 1 |
interwork.sdsu.edu | 1 |
Rollins College | 16 |
www.rollins.edu | 15 |
blackboard.rollins.edu | 1 |
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee | 16 |
www.uwm.edu | 16 |
Colorado State University-Pueblo | 16 |
library.colostate-pueblo.edu | 12 |
blackboard.colostate-pueblo.edu | 4 |
James Madison University | 15 |
www.lib.jmu.edu | 12 |
webmail.jmu.edu | 1 |
cob.jmu.edu | 1 |
leo.jmu.edu | 1 |
University of Texas at Arlington | 15 |
library.uta.edu | 14 |
pulse.uta.edu | 1 |
Skidmore College | 15 |
www2.skidmore.edu | 11 |
www.skidmore.edu | 4 |
Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education | 15 |
pilot.passhe.edu | 12 |
bb-edinboro.sytec.passhe.edu | 1 |
www.passhe.edu | 1 |
bb-wcupa.sytec.passhe.edu | 1 |
University of Wyoming | 14 |
www-lib.uwyo.edu | 8 |
ecampus.uwyo.edu | 5 |
80-newfirstsearch.oclc.org.proxy.uwlib.uwyo.edu | 1 |
Youngstown State University | 14 |
www.maag.ysu.edu | 10 |
maag.ysu.edu | 2 |
www.ysu.edu | 1 |
cc.ysu.edu | 1 |
University of Colorado at Colorado Springs | 14 |
web.uccs.edu | 13 |
library.uccs.edu | 1 |
Oklahoma City University | 14 |
www.okcu.edu | 13 |
library.okcu.edu | 1 |
Samford University | 14 |
library.samford.edu | 14 |
Texas Christian University | 14 |
lib.tcu.edu | 7 |
libnt4.lib.tcu.edu | 4 |
search.tcu.edu | 2 |
mailssl.is.tcu.edu | 1 |
Boston Public Library | 14 |
www.bpl.org | 14 |
University of Northern Iowa | 14 |
www.library.uni.edu | 10 |
unistar.uni.edu | 3 | | 1 |
Florida A&M University | 14 |
www.famu.edu | 4 |
metalib.fcla.edu | 4 |
fs.aleph.fcla.edu | 3 |
library.ucf.edu.ucfproxy.fcla.edu | 1 |
am.aleph.fcla.edu | 1 |
sf.aleph.fcla.edu | 1 |
Temple University | 14 |
library.temple.edu | 6 |
www.law.temple.edu | 4 |
diamond.temple.edu | 2 |
shelob.ocis.temple.edu | 1 |
www.temple.edu | 1 |
Department of the Army | 13 |
www.hqda.army.mil | 13 |
Gordon College | 13 |
www.gordon.edu | 13 |
University of Wisconsin - River Falls | 13 |
www.uwrf.edu | 13 |
University of Houston | 13 |
www.law.uh.edu | 3 |
weblogs.lib.uh.edu | 3 |
info.lib.uh.edu | 2 |
library.uh.edu | 2 |
www.research.uh.edu | 1 |
staging2.lib.uh.edu | 1 |
w2.byuh.edu | 1 |
Central Missouri State University | 13 |
library.cmsu.edu | 12 |
faculty.cmsu.edu | 1 |
University of Central Florida | 13 |
library.ucf.edu | 7 |
www.intl.ucf.edu | 3 |
www.library.ucf.edu | 1 |
reach.ucf.edu | 1 |
www.bus.ucf.edu | 1 |
Hamline University | 13 |
www.hamline.edu | 12 |
clicnet.clic.edu | 1 |
SUNY Oswego | 13 |
www.oswego.edu | 11 |
fmlib-server.oswego.edu | 2 |
Dalton State College | 13 |
mydsc.daltonstate.edu | 13 |
University of Louisiana at Lafayette | 13 |
library.louisiana.edu | 13 |
Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County | 13 |
www.cincinnatilibrary.org | 13 |
University of San Francisco | 13 |
www.usfca.edu | 13 |
Washington and Lee University | 12 |
library.wlu.edu | 7 |
bloggery.wlu.edu | 2 |
annie.wlu.edu | 1 |
info.wlu.edu | 1 |
law.wlu.edu | 1 |
Drake University | 12 |
www.law.drake.edu | 7 |
www.lib.drake.edu | 5 |
California State University, Bakersfield | 12 |
www.csub.edu | 9 |
webct.csub.edu | 3 |
Nova Southeastern University | 12 |
webctce.nova.edu | 8 |
www.nova.edu | 2 |
0-biblioline.nisc.com.novacat.nova.edu | 1 |
www.nsulaw.nova.edu | 1 |
North Harris College | 12 |
www.nhmccd.edu | 7 |
cfclibrary.nhmccd.edu | 2 |
tclibrary.nhmccd.edu | 2 |
www.northharriscollege.com | 1 |
University of Idaho | 12 |
www.lib.uidaho.edu | 5 |
www.law.uidaho.edu | 3 |
db.lib.uidaho.edu | 2 |
ida.lib.uidaho.edu | 1 |
www.ag.uidaho.edu | 1 |
Sam Houston State University | 12 |
library.shsu.edu | 12 |
University of Denver | 12 |
www.law.du.edu | 6 |
pacman.law.du.edu | 5 |
blackboard.du.edu | 1 |
Bowdoin College | 12 |
library.bowdoin.edu | 6 |
phebe.bowdoin.edu | 4 |
library2.bowdoin.edu | 2 |
Angelo State University | 12 |
www.angelo.edu | 12 |
William Mitchell College of Law | 12 |
www.wmitchell.edu | 10 |
library.wmitchell.edu | 2 |
University of Alabama | 12 |
www.lib.ua.edu | 6 |
library.ua.edu | 3 |
www.library.law.ua.edu | 2 |
atticus.law.ua.edu | 1 |
University of Illinois at Springfield | 12 |
library.uis.edu | 7 |
bb.uis.edu | 5 |
The Evergreen State College | 12 |
www.evergreen.edu | 9 |
cals.evergreen.edu | 3 |
Colorado State University | 11 |
writing.colostate.edu | 6 |
catalog.library.colostate.edu | 2 |
lib.colostate.edu | 2 |
portal.research.colostate.edu | 1 |
Plattsburgh State University | 11 |
www.plattsburgh.edu | 11 |
Fordham University | 11 |
lawlib1.lawnet.fordham.edu | 5 |
studentmail.fordham.edu | 2 |
lawpac.lawnet.fordham.edu | 2 |
www.fordham.edu | 1 |
lawpac.fordham.edu | 1 |
Grand Valley State University | 11 |
www.gvsu.edu | 8 |
www.gwise.gvsu.edu | 1 |
wwwtest.gvsu.edu | 1 |
www4.gvsu.edu | 1 |
West Texas A&M University | 11 |
www.wtamu.edu | 11 |
University of Kansas | 11 |
catalog.lib.ku.edu | 5 |
www.hallcenter.ku.edu | 2 |
www.lib.ku.edu | 1 |
www.continuinged.ku.edu | 1 |
www.counsel.ku.edu | 1 |
www2.ku.edu | 1 |
ILCSO Libraries | 11 |
library.ilcso.illinois.edu | 11 |
Tufts University | 11 |
www.library.tufts.edu | 7 |
ocw.tufts.edu | 2 |
blackboard.tufts.edu | 1 |
fletcher.tufts.edu | 1 |
Vassar College | 11 |
library.vassar.edu | 8 |
vaslib.vassar.edu | 3 |
Minnesota State University, Mankato | 10 |
lib.mnsu.edu | 4 |
eresources.lib.mnsu.edu | 3 |
mnpals.mnsu.edu.ezproxy.mnsu.edu | 1 |
mavdisk.mnsu.edu | 1 |
wg9nt4uc8p.search.serialssolutions.com.ezproxy.mnsu.edu | 1 |
Washington State University | 10 |
lib6.wsulibs.wsu.edu | 3 |
library.mwsu.edu | 3 |
griffin.wsu.edu | 2 |
www.wsulibs.wsu.edu | 1 |
ntserver1.wsulibs.wsu.edu | 1 |
University of Puerto Rico-Recinto Universitario de Mayag�ez | 10 |
www.uprm.edu | 6 |
webct.uprm.edu | 4 |
University of New Hampshire | 10 |
docs.unh.edu | 4 |
library.unh.edu | 2 |
www.unhm.unh.edu | 2 |
www.finadmin.unh.edu | 1 |
www.reference.unh.edu | 1 |
Houston Public Library | 10 |
www.hpl.lib.tx.us | 5 |
www.houstonlibrary.org | 5 |
Suffolk Cooperative Library System | 10 |
www.suffolk.lib.ny.us | 7 |
pml.suffolk.lib.ny.us | 2 |
alpha1.suffolk.lib.ny.us | 1 |
Minnesota State Law Library | 10 |
www.lawlibrary.state.mn.us | 10 |
Willamette University | 10 |
www.willamette.edu | 8 |
willamette.edu | 1 |
library.willamette.edu | 1 |
Truman State University | 10 |
library.truman.edu | 9 |
www2.truman.edu | 1 |
Cambra County Library | 10 |
www.cclib.lib.pa.us | 10 |
Middletown Thrall Library | 10 |
www.thrall.org | 10 |
Oakland Community College | 9 |
online2.oaklandcc.edu | 4 |
www.oaklandcc.edu | 2 |
pdtconline.oaklandcc.edu | 2 |
occ.dalnet.lib.mi.us | 1 |
Kansas State University | 9 |
www.lib.ksu.edu | 8 |
www.lib.k-state.edu.er.lib.ksu.edu | 1 |
Olivet Nazarene University | 9 |
i-share.carli.illinois.edu | 7 |
library.olivet.edu | 2 |
Stony Brook University | 9 |
www.stonybrook.edu | 5 |
www.grad.sunysb.edu | 2 |
www.grad.stonybrook.edu | 1 |
www.sunysb.edu | 1 |
Binghamton University | 9 |
library.lib.binghamton.edu | 4 |
infolink.binghamton.edu | 3 |
metalink.binghamton.edu | 2 |
Rice University | 9 |
www.rice.edu | 9 |
Clemson University | 9 |
www.lib.clemson.edu | 4 |
libcat.clemson.edu | 3 |
people.clemson.edu | 1 |
bb.clemson.edu | 1 |
Eastern New Mexico University | 9 |
online.roswell.enmu.edu | 9 |
Seattle Public Library | 9 |
www.spl.org | 9 |
University of Texas at El Paso | 9 |
libraryweb.utep.edu | 8 |
lib.utep.edu | 1 |
Santa Clara University | 9 |
oscar.scu.edu | 4 |
www.scu.edu | 4 |
sculib.scu.edu | 1 |
University of Rochester | 9 |
www.library.rochester.edu | 5 |
www.lib.rochester.edu | 2 |
lib.rochester.edu | 1 |
library.rochester.edu | 1 |
University of Akron | 9 |
www.uakron.edu | 6 |
library.uakron.edu | 3 |
Montana State University | 8 |
isbn.lib.montana.edu | 5 |
www.lib.montana.edu | 2 |
www.montana.edu | 1 |
University of Maine | 8 |
ursus.maine.edu | 3 |
libraries.maine.edu | 2 |
library.usm.maine.edu | 2 |
ursus2.ursus.maine.edu | 1 |
Wichita State University | 8 |
library.wichita.edu | 4 |
govdoc.wichita.edu | 3 |
libcat.wichita.edu | 1 |
Pace University | 8 |
www.library.law.pace.edu | 4 |
appserv.pace.edu | 3 |
dbserv.pace.edu | 1 |
New Mexico State Library | 8 |
www.stlib.state.nm.us | 8 |
Madison Public Library | 8 |
www.madisonpubliclibrary.org | 5 |
www.linkcat.info | 3 |
Emporia State University | 8 |
www.emporia.edu | 6 |
whitelib.emporia.edu | 2 |
Fort Hays State University | 8 |
www.fhsu.edu | 8 |
West Virginia University | 8 |
www.wvu.edu | 4 |
www.be.wvu.edu | 4 |
Pacific University | 8 |
www.pacificu.edu | 8 |
Boise State University | 8 |
library.boisestate.edu | 8 |
University of Arkansas | 8 |
libinfo.uark.edu | 6 |
www.uark.edu | 2 |
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University | 8 |
www.library.ncat.edu | 8 |
Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records | 8 |
www.lib.az.us | 8 |
Southeast Missouri State University | 8 |
library.semo.edu | 8 |
SUNY College at Geneseo | 7 |
eres.geneseo.edu | 4 |
library.geneseo.edu | 2 |
www.geneseo.edu | 1 |
Hennepin County Library | 7 |
www.hclib.org | 7 |
Sussex County Library System | 7 |
www.sussexcountylibrary.org | 6 |
webmail.sussexcountylibrary.org | 1 |
Columbus Metropolitan Library | 7 |
www.columbuslibrary.org | 7 |
University of Nebraska at Kearney | 7 |
www.unk.edu | 4 |
rosi.unk.edu | 2 |
0-www.marcive.com.rosi.unk.edu | 1 |
Colorado School of Mines | 7 |
www.mines.edu | 7 |
Governors State University | 7 |
www.govst.edu | 7 |
Hollins University | 7 |
www.hollins.edu | 4 |
fintel.roanoke.edu | 2 |
web.roanoke.edu | 1 |
Valdosta State University | 7 |
courses.valdosta.edu | 5 |
www.valdosta.edu | 2 |
San Diego Public Library | 7 |
www.sandiego.gov | 7 |
University of Arkansas at Little Rock | 7 |
iii-server.ualr.edu | 3 |
library.ualr.edu | 2 |
lawlibrary.ualr.edu | 2 |
Southern University A&M College | 7 |
www.lib.subr.edu | 7 |
St. Cloud State University | 7 |
lrts.stcloudstate.edu | 5 |
web.stcloudstate.edu | 2 |
Calvin College and Calvin Theological Seminary | 7 |
www.calvin.edu | 4 |
library.calvin.edu | 3 |
Western Kentucky University | 7 |
www.wku.edu | 7 |
Marietta College | 7 |
library.marietta.edu | 6 |
mclib.marietta.edu | 1 |
Lee College | 7 |
www.lee.edu | 7 |
Kentucky Department for Libraries & Archives | 7 |
www.kdla.ky.gov | 4 |
kdla.ky.gov | 3 |
North Central Michigan College Library | 6 |
library.ncmich.edu | 6 |
SUNY College at Oneonta | 6 |
www.oneonta.edu | 6 |
Los Angeles Public Library | 6 |
www.lapl.org | 5 |
catalog2.lapl.org | 1 |
Northwest Nazarene University | 6 |
www.nnu.edu | 6 |
Georgia Southern University | 6 |
library.georgiasouthern.edu | 5 |
www.georgiasouthern.edu | 1 |
The College of Wooster | 6 |
www.wooster.edu | 3 |
library.wooster.edu | 2 |
pages.wooster.edu | 1 |
Colgate University | 6 |
blackboard.colgate.edu | 3 |
exlibris.colgate.edu | 3 |
SUNY Consortium | 6 |
sln.suny.edu | 5 |
delaware.sunyconnect.suny.edu | 1 |
University of South Alabama | 6 |
www.southalabama.edu | 3 |
www.usouthal.edu | 3 |
Syracuse University College of Law | 6 |
www.law.syr.edu | 6 |
Valparaiso University | 6 |
www.valpo.edu | 4 |
galileo.valpo.edu | 1 |
student.valpo.edu | 1 |
Norwich University | 6 |
www.norwich.edu | 4 |
voyager.norwich.edu | 1 |
library.norwich.edu | 1 |
Loyola Law School | 6 |
lucy.lls.edu | 4 |
library.lls.edu | 2 |
Denver Public Library | 6 |
denverlibrary.org | 6 |
Baker University | 6 |
www.bakeru.edu | 6 |
The University of Tennessee at Martin | 6 |
www.utm.edu | 5 |
library.utm.edu | 1 |
State of Missouri, Secretary of State | 6 |
www.sos.mo.gov | 6 |
San Francisco Public Library | 6 |
www.sfpl.org | 4 |
sflib1.sfpl.org | 1 |
sfpl.org | 1 |
Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences | 6 |
www.lrc.usuhs.mil | 4 |
er.lrc.usuhs.mil | 2 |
Washington College | 6 |
libraryweb.washcoll.edu | 6 |
Memphis/Shelby County Public Library & Information Center | 6 |
www.memphislibrary.org | 6 |
Northern Michigan University | 5 |
www.nmu.edu | 3 |
voyager.nmu.edu | 2 |
San Francisco State University | 5 |
www.library.sfsu.edu | 4 |
userwww.sfsu.edu | 1 |
Union College | 5 |
www.union.edu | 3 |
libraryopac.union.edu | 2 |
Williams College | 5 |
www.williams.edu | 3 |
library.williams.edu | 1 |
francis.williams.edu | 1 |
North Carolina Central University | 5 |
www.nccu.edu | 5 |
Lake Forest College | 5 |
library.lakeforest.edu | 4 |
webmail.lakeforest.edu | 1 |
University of Nebraska at Omaha | 5 |
catalog.lib.unomaha.edu | 2 |
myuno.unomaha.edu | 1 |
revelation.unomaha.edu | 1 |
library.unomaha.edu | 1 |
Winthrop University | 5 |
www.winthrop.edu | 2 |
library.winthrop.edu | 2 |
faculty.winthrop.edu | 1 |
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | 5 |
www.lib.noaa.gov | 5 |
LaGuardia Community College/CUNY | 5 |
www.lagcc.cuny.edu | 5 |
The University of North Carolina at Pembroke | 5 |
www.uncp.edu | 5 |
Northeastern State University | 5 |
library.nsuok.edu | 5 |
Swarthmore College | 5 |
tripod.brynmawr.edu | 3 |
trilogy.brynmawr.edu | 2 |
Auburn University | 5 |
aubiecat.auburn.edu | 3 |
www.auburn.edu | 2 |
Mississippi State University | 5 |
library.msstate.edu | 3 |
nt.library.msstate.edu | 1 |
web2.library.msstate.edu | 1 |
Kennesaw State University | 5 |
www.kennesaw.edu | 4 |
proxy.kennesaw.edu | 1 |
Central Oregon Community College | 5 |
campuslibrary.cocc.edu | 5 |
Northern State Univerity | 5 |
www.northern.edu | 5 |
Ohio Private Academic Libraries | 5 |
cat.opal-libraries.org | 5 |
Jacksonville State University | 5 |
www.jsu.edu | 5 |
Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh | 5 |
www.einetwork.net | 3 |
www.carnegielibrary.org | 2 |
Delta State University | 5 |
www.deltastate.edu | 5 |
U.S. Court of Appeals | 5 |
www.ca11.uscourts.gov | 5 |
Eastern Kentucky University | 4 |
ekulib.kyvl.org | 2 |
www.sponsoredprograms.eku.edu | 1 |
people.eku.edu | 1 |
Chicago Public Library | 4 |
www.chipublib.org | 4 |
Millersville University of Pennsylvania | 4 |
library.millersville.edu | 2 |
marauder.millersville.edu | 1 |
www.library.millersville.edu | 1 |
American University | 4 |
leagle.wcl.american.edu | 4 |
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay | 4 |
www.uwgb.edu | 4 |
Victoria College and University of Houston-Victoria | 4 |
vcuhvlibrary.uhv.edu | 3 |
library.victoriacollege.edu | 1 |
Kentucky State University | 4 |
www.kysu.edu | 4 |
Dayton Metro Library | 4 |
www.dayton.lib.oh.us | 2 |
hzportal.daytonmetrolibrary.org | 1 |
hzportal.dayton.lib.oh.us | 1 |
Northwestern Michigan College | 4 |
www.nmc.edu | 2 |
www.unmc.edu | 2 |
Tennessee State University | 4 |
www.tnstate.edu | 2 |
sultan.tnstate.edu | 2 |
Montclair State University | 4 |
alpha.montclair.edu | 3 |
library.montclair.edu | 1 |
Wellesley College | 4 |
www.wellesley.edu | 4 |
Louisiana Tech University | 4 |
www.latech.edu | 3 |
eb.journ.latech.edu | 1 |
Lehman College | 4 |
www.lehman.edu | 4 |
Wheaton College | 4 |
libweb.wheaton.edu | 3 |
library.wheaton.edu | 1 |
Bucknell University | 4 |
www.bucknell.edu | 3 |
researchbysubject.bucknell.edu | 1 |
Vermont State Colleges Libraries | 4 |
hartness.vsc.edu | 4 |
Illinois Institute of Technology | 4 |
library.kentlaw.edu | 4 |
Arizona Western College | 4 |
www.azwestern.edu | 3 |
www2.azwestern.edu | 1 |
California State University San Luis Obispo | 4 |
www.lib.calpoly.edu | 2 |
www.cla.calpoly.edu | 1 |
cla.calpoly.edu | 1 |
Spokane Public Library | 4 |
www.spokanelibrary.org | 3 |
web2.spokanelibrary.org | 1 |
New York Law School | 4 |
www.nyls.edu | 4 |
Highline Community College | 4 |
flightline.highline.edu | 4 |
Wright State University | 4 |
www.libraries.wright.edu | 4 |
Albion College | 4 |
www.albion.edu | 3 |
library.albion.edu | 1 |
The Library of Virginia | 4 |
www.lva.lib.va.us | 4 |
Sonoma County Library | 4 |
www.sonomalibrary.org | 3 |
www.sonoma.lib.ca.us | 1 |
Reed College | 4 |
academic.reed.edu | 4 |
South Dakota State University | 4 |
lib.sdstate.edu | 4 |
Middlebury College | 4 |
www.middlebury.edu | 3 |
search.middlebury.edu | 1 |
Indiana University Kokomo | 4 |
www.iuk.edu | 4 |
Virginia State University | 4 |
library.vsu.edu | 4 |
Saint Anselm College | 3 |
www.anselm.edu | 3 |
Florida Institute of Technology | 3 |
www.lib.fit.edu | 2 |
www.ncsbi.fit.edu | 1 |
Seton Hall University | 3 |
domapp01.shu.edu | 2 |
law.shu.edu | 1 |
Milwaukee Public Library | 3 |
www.cmpl.org | 3 |
University of Texas at Dallas | 3 |
www.utdallas.edu | 3 |
DePauw University | 3 |
www.depauw.edu | 3 |
Augustana College | 3 |
www.augie.edu | 3 |
Golden Gate University | 3 |
library.ggu.edu | 2 |
www.ggu.edu | 1 |
Northwestern Oklahoma State University | 3 |
www.nwosu.edu | 3 |
Fayetteville State University | 3 |
library.uncfsu.edu | 3 |
Inglewood Public Library | 3 |
www.cityofinglewood.org | 3 |
Henry Ford Community College | 3 |
clara.hfcc.edu | 3 |
University of Massachusetts Medical School | 3 |
library.umassmed.edu | 3 |
Enterprise-Ozark Community College | 3 |
www.eocc.edu | 3 |
Public Library of Nashville and Davidson County | 3 |
www.library.nashville.org | 3 |
The Newark Public Library | 3 |
www.npl.org | 3 |
Las Vegas-Clark County Library District | 3 |
www.lvccld.org | 3 |
Nevada State Library and Archives | 3 |
www.clan.lib.nv.us | 2 |
dmla.clan.lib.nv.us | 1 |
Eastern Oregon Library System | 3 |
webclass.eou.edu | 1 |
0-atoz.ebsco.com.eos.eou.edu | 1 |
pierce.eou.edu | 1 |
Johnson County Library | 3 |
www.jocolibrary.org | 3 |
California State University, Los Angeles | 3 |
www.calstatela.edu | 3 |
Bradley University | 3 |
wwwapp.bradley.edu | 3 |
East Tennessee State University | 3 |
sherrod.etsu.edu | 3 |
North of Boston Library Exchange | 3 |
www.noblenet.org | 2 |
catalog.noblenet.org | 1 |
La Crosse Public Library | 3 |
www.lacrosselibrary.org | 3 |
Kalamazoo Public Library | 3 |
www.kpl.gov | 3 |
Elmira College | 3 |
research.elmira.edu | 3 |
Atlanta University Center | 2 |
www.auctr.edu | 2 |
Valley City State University | 2 |
library.vcsu.edu | 2 |
University of Southern Mississippi | 2 |
anna.lib.usm.edu | 2 |
Providence College | 2 | | 2 |
South Dakota State Library | 2 |
www.sdstatelibrary.com | 2 |
Clarkson University | 2 |
www.clarkson.edu | 2 |
Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County | 2 |
ipac54.plcmc.org | 1 |
www.plcmc.org | 1 |
Central Michigan University | 2 |
catalog.lib.cmich.edu | 2 |
The Pennsylvania State University | 2 |
cat.libraries.psu.edu | 2 |
Monmouth County Library | 2 |
www.monmouth.lib.nj.us | 1 |
monmouth.lib.nj.us | 1 |
Benedictine University | 2 |
www.ben.edu | 2 |
Stonehill College | 2 |
www.stonehill.edu | 2 |
Toledo-Lucas County Public Library | 2 |
www.toledolibrary.org | 2 |
Utah Court System | 2 |
usld.ipac.dynixasp.com | 2 |
Frostburg State University | 2 |
www.frostburg.edu | 1 |
blackboard.frostburg.edu | 1 |
Morehead State University | 2 |
www.moreheadstate.edu | 2 |
State University College at Potsdam | 2 |
www.potsdam.edu | 2 |
Monroe County Library System | 2 |
monroe.lib.mi.us | 2 |
San Diego County Public Law Library | 2 |
www.sdcpll.org | 2 |
Muskingum College | 2 |
www.muskingum.edu | 2 |
Western Connecticut State University | 2 |
library.wcsu.edu | 2 |
Florida International University | 2 |
library.fiu.edu.ezproxy.fiu.edu | 1 |
library.fiu.edu | 1 |
Southeastern Oklahoma State University | 2 |
www.sosu.edu | 2 |
University of Dayton | 2 |
flyers.udayton.edu | 1 |
library.udayton.edu | 1 |
Kansas Supreme Court | 2 |
www.kscourts.org | 2 |
Emory & Henry College | 2 |
innopac.hal.org | 2 |
University of the South | 2 |
0-nx2ac7bd8c.search.serialssolutions.com.library.acaweb.org | 2 |
Grinnell College | 2 |
web.grinnell.edu | 1 |
cat.lib.grin.edu | 1 |
Michigan Technological University | 2 |
www.admin.mtu.edu | 1 |
www.lib.mtu.edu | 1 |
County of Los Angeles Public Library | 2 |
www.colapublib.org | 2 |
Shawnee State University | 2 |
beartrack.shawnee.edu | 1 |
dev2.shawnee.edu | 1 |
Western New Mexico University | 2 |
voyager.wnmu.edu | 2 |
Gary Public Library | 2 |
www.gary.lib.in.us | 2 |
Centre College | 2 |
library.centre.edu | 2 |
California State University San Marcos | 2 |
pac.csusm.edu | 1 |
library.csusm.edu | 1 |
University of Tennessee | 1 |
cat.lib.utk.edu | 1 |
Northland Pioneer College | 1 |
www.npc.edu | 1 |
Tuskegee University | 1 |
www.tuskegee.edu | 1 |
Virginia Military Institute | 1 |
library.vmi.edu | 1 |
Loyola University New Orleans | 1 |
law.loyno.edu | 1 |
Eastern Connecticut State University | 1 |
www.easternct.edu | 1 |
Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania | 1 |
webspace.ship.edu | 1 |
Georgia Southwestern State University | 1 |
www.gsw.edu | 1 |
Amherst College | 1 |
www.amherst.edu | 1 |
State of Tennessee | 1 |
www.tennessee.gov | 1 |
Texas A&M International University | 1 |
library.tamiu.edu | 1 |
Southern Utah University | 1 |
proxy.li.suu.edu | 1 |
Worcester Public Library | 1 |
www.worcpublib.org | 1 |
Arkansas Tech University | 1 |
library.atu.edu | 1 |
University of Wisconsin - Superior | 1 |
library.uwsuper.edu | 1 |
Clearwater Public Library System | 1 |
www.myclearwater.com | 1 |
Ursinus College | 1 |
myrin.ursinus.edu | 1 |
University at Albany | 1 |
library.albany.edu | 1 |
St. John's University Rittenberg Law Library | 1 |
lawlibrary.stjohns.edu | 1 |
State Library of Kansas | 1 |
lib.wuacc.edu | 1 |
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire | 1 |
www.uwec.edu | 1 |
Allegany College of Maryland | 1 |
www.allegany.edu | 1 |
Colby College | 1 |
library.colby.edu | 1 |
Birmingham Public Library | 1 |
catalog.jclc.org | 1 |
Post University | 1 |
www.post.edu | 1 |
Henderson District Public Libraries | 1 |
www.hdpl.org | 1 |
Scottsbluff Public Library | 1 |
www.scottsbluff.org | 1 |
Yavapai College | 1 |
www2.yc.edu | 1 |
Oberlin College | 1 |
obis.oberlin.edu | 1 |
Arkansas State Library | 1 |
www.asl.lib.ar.us | 1 |
Furman University | 1 |
alcuin.furman.edu | 1 |
California Institute of Technology | 1 |
clas.caltech.edu | 1 |
Ashland Community & Technical College | 1 |
www.ashland.kctcs.edu | 1 |
University of Wisconsin-Whitewater | 1 |
library.uww.edu | 1 |
Missouri Southern State University | 1 |
swan.missouri.edu | 1 |
University of Alaska, Fairbanks | 1 |
goldmine.uaf.edu | 1 |
Denison University | 1 |
consort.library.denison.edu | 1 |
SUNY Cortland | 1 |
library.cortland.edu | 1 |
Sioux City Public Library | 1 |
www.sc.lib.ia.us | 1 |
Washoe County Library System | 1 |
catalog.washoe.lib.nv.us | 1 |
Lamar University | 1 |
biblos.lamar.edu | 1 |
Langston University | 1 |
www.lunet.edu | 1 |
Baylor University | 1 |
www.baylor.edu | 1 |
Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art | 1 |
www.cooper.edu | 1 |
William Jewell College | 1 |
wilo.missouri.edu | 1 |
Fort Worth Public Library | 1 |
fwplhip.fortworthlibrary.org | 1 |
Boise City | 1 |
www.boisepubliclibrary.org | 1 |
U.S. Naval Academy | 1 |
www.usna.edu | 1 |
Columbus State University | 1 |
library.colstate.edu | 1 |
Eastern Illinois University | 1 |
www.eiu.edu | 1 |
Bates College | 1 |
abacus.bates.edu | 1 |
University of Puget Sound | 1 |
www.ups.edu | 1 |
Oklahoma Department of Libraries | 1 |
www.odl.state.ok.us | 1 |
Southern Arkansas University | 1 |
www.saumag.edu | 1 |
The Catholic University of America | 1 |
counsel.cua.edu | 1 |
Ashland University | 1 |
www.ashland.edu | 1 |
San Bernardino County Law Library | 1 |
www.sblawlibrary.org | 1 |
Jacksonville Public Library | 1 |
jplstaff.coj.net | 1 |
Southwestern Oklahoma State University | 0 |
North Georgia College and State University | 0 |
Gustavus Adolphus College | 0 |
Jefferson County Public Library | 0 |
Macomb County Library | 0 |
St. Petersburg Public Library | 0 |
Office of the Secretary of State | 0 |
University of South Florida | 0 |
Valley Consortium | 0 |
University of Alaska Southeast Ketchikan Campus | 0 |
Miami-Dade Public Library System | 0 |
Ocean County College | 0 |
City of Mesa | 0 |
Los Angeles County Law Library | 0 |
Northwest Missouri State University | 0 |
Hiram College | 0 |
Allegheny County Law Library | 0 |
Oklahoma Baptist University | 0 |
Trinity College | 0 |
Southwest Missouri State University | 0 |
Tampa Bay Library Consortium | 0 |
Manchester City Library | 0 |
College of Micronesia-FSM | 0 |
Mississippi College School of Law | 0 |
Abilene Christian University | 0 |
The University of Virginia's College at Wise | 0 |
University of Louisiana at Monroe | 0 |
U.S. Merchant Marine Academy | 0 |
University of Alaska Southeast | 0 |
Longview Public Library | 0 |
University of West Florida | 0 |
Shepherd Colledge | 0 |
Northwestern State University | 0 |
The City College of New York | 0 |
Florida Keys Community College | 0 |
State Library of Iowa | 0 |
University of Guam | 0 |
Louisiana State University - Shreveport | 0 |
Northwest Municipal Conference, Oakton Community College | 0 |
The University of Findlay | 0 |
Muhlenberg College | 0 |
Central Arkansas Library System | 0 |
Curry College | 0 |
Flint Public Library | 0 |
Oakland University | 0 |
City of El Paso | 0 |
Henderson and Ouachita Consortium | 0 |
City of Lakeland, Florida | 0 |
Alaska Department of Education and Early Development | 0 |
Troy University | 0 |
University of North Dakota | 0 |
Mountain Library Consortium | 0 |
Lincoln University (of Missouri) | 0 |
Mary H. Weir Public Library | 0 |
King College, Inc. | 0 |
Vermont Law School | 0 |
University of Alaska Anchorage | 0 |
Jackson State University | 0 |
St. Clair County Library System | 0 |
Ramsey County Library | 0 |
Dodge City Community College | 0 |
Central Washington University | 0 |
Warren Library Association | 0 |
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge | 0 |
Davenport Public Library | 0 |
University of Maine School of Law | 0 |
Orange County Public Law Library | 0 |
Bluefield State College | 0 |
Jacksonville University | 0 |
International College | 0 |
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth | 0 |
Center for Legal Information, Duquesne University | 0 |
New Jersey City University | 0 |
Oregon Institute of Technology | 0 |
University of Nevada, Reno | 0 |
Public libraries of Saginaw | 0 |
St. Charles City County Library District | 0 |
State Law Library of Montana | 0 |
Maryland State Law Library | 0 |
New Mexico Junior College | 0 |
Contra Costa County Library | 0 |
St. John's University | 0 |
City & County of Broomfield | 0 |
Mary Washington College | 0 |
Principia | 0 |
Hackley Public Library | 0 |
Mississippi Library Commission | 0 |
Catawba College | 0 |
Altoona Area Public Library | 0 |
Scranton Public Library | 0 |
Connecticut State University Consortium | 0 |
Oregon State University | 0 |
0 | |
Loras College | 0 |
SUNY Westaleph Server | 0 |
Bridgewater College | 0 |
Jackson District Library | 0 |
Greenville County Library System | 0 |
Pottsville Free Public Library | 0 |
Louisiana Supreme Court | 0 |
Southern New Hampshire University | 0 |
South Dakota Library Network | 0 |
Montana Tech of The University of Montana | 0 |
Michigan State University - College of Law | 0 |
Albany Law School | 0 |
Free Library of Philadelphia | 0 |
University of West Georgia | 0 |
St. Louis County Library | 0 |
State Library of North Carolina | 0 |
Syracuse University | 0 |
Lehigh University | 0 |
PALNI Consortium Catalog | 0 |
Chattanooga-Hamilton County Bicentennial Library | 0 |
The Catalog of the University of California Libraries | 0 |
Robert Morris University | 0 |
University of New Orleans | 0 |
Quad-LINC Catalog | 0 |
Delaware State University | 0 |
Beloit College | 0 |
Central Wyoming College | 0 |
South Dakota School of Mines & Technology | 0 |
Mobius Consortium & MERLIN Consortium | 0 |