FEDERAL DEPOSITORY LIBRARY MANUALChapter 1 (revised 1998)Library Programs Service
Chapter 1
Section 1 LPS is comprised of two major organizational components under the Office of the Director: the Library Division and the Depository Distribution Division. Each division has its own area of responsibility as explained below. A third component, the Electronic Transition Staff, operates directly under the Office of the Director. A. Electronic Transition Staff [ NO longer exists ] ETS responsibilities also include the design, development, and implementation of GPO "Pathway" Services to facilitate access to Federal information. Pathway Services, which includes "New Electronic Titles (replaces Browse Electronic Titles), "Browse Topics," and the Pathway Indexer, utilizes advanced indexing, search, and retrieval tools to identify, describe, and dynamically link users to Federal electronic information. Pathway Services uses open systems standards and will be compatible with complimentary initiatives such as the Government Information Locator Service (GILS).
B. Library Division The Library Division consists of three organizational subdivisions: Depository Services, the Cataloging Branch, and the Depository Administration Branch. The Chief of the Library Division manages these areas and advises the Director of LPS on program-related matters. 2. Cataloging BranchThe Cataloging Branch is the national authority for cataloging and bibliographic control of U.S. Government publications. This activity occurs within the context of the Cataloging and Indexing Program, which derives its authority from Title 44, Chapter 17 of the United States Code. The Cataloging Branch catalogs monographs, maps, and serials received at GPO and/or when available via the Internet. Cataloging is performed in accordance with the Anglo-American Cataloging Rules, second edition, rev. (AACR2), Library of Congress Rule Interpretations, the CONSER Cataloging Manual, the CONSER Editing Guide, and the GPO Cataloging Guidelines. With the exception of NASA reports, subject cataloging for U.S. Government publications is accomplished by applying Library of Congress Subject Headings. NASA Thesaurus terms are applied to NASA reports. The Cataloging Branch manages the automated database of cataloging records and publishes the Monthly Catalog of United States Government Publications in a hot-linked electronic website edition, a CD-ROM edition, an abridged paper edition, and as machine readable cataloging tapes available from the Library of Congress Cataloging Distribution Service. The Cataloging Branch also publishes the Congressional Serial Set Catalog and the annual Periodicals Supplement. Commercial vendors disseminate Monthly Catalog records in various products. Two selected GPO Cataloging Guidelines associated with cataloging Internet related titles are published as FDLP administrative publications at (http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fdlp/cip/index.html). The Depository Administration Branch (DAB) responsibilities include acquisition of Government documents in all formats, assignment of Superintendent of Documents (SuDocs) classification numbers, procurement of depository library microfiche, preparation of shipping lists, and maintenance of the Depository Distribution Information System (DDIS) profiles of the depository libraries and the Acquisition, Classification, and Shipment Information System (ACSIS). DAB also acts as the documents distribution agent to the foreign libraries in the International Exchange Service Program, on behalf of the Library of Congress.DAB staff handle the acquisition of Government documents; determine the format of publications distributed to depository libraries (i.e. paper, microfiche, or electronic media); inspect LPS-produced microfiche for quality; assign SuDocs classification numbers and item numbers; prepare shipping lists, surveys, and item selection updates. DAB also supplies U.S. Fax Watch with shipping lists so that depository libraries can dial (202) 512-1716 to obtain missing shipping lists. DAB staff also compile and publish the List of Classes, Inactive or Discontinued Items from the 1950 Revision of the Classified List, the GPO Classification Manual, An Explanation of the Superintendent of Documents Classification System, Superseded List, and the Union List of Item Selections available in microfiche, and are responsible for the production of the Cumulative Finding Aid for Congressional Bills and Resolutions. In addition, DAB staff respond to numerous inquiries from depository libraries on all issues under their purview. C. Depository Distribution Division The Depository Distribution Division performs all functions relating to the receipt at GPO and the shipping to depository libraries of U.S. Government publications in tangible formats. The Chief of the Depository Distribution Division directs all functions relating to receipt, storage, allotment, and preparation for shipment of publications distributed to depository libraries. These activities include initial preparation of material to be distributed to depositories, shipping of the material, and overseeing supplying material claimed as unreceived by the depository libraries. There are two branches within the Depository Distribution Division: the Depository Processing Branch and the Depository Mailing Branch. 1. Depository Processing Branch Section 2How and When to Contact the Library Programs Service [ Note: This section is outdated. See http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fdlp/tools/contacts.html for updated contact information. Use askLPS for inquiries to LPS, at http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fdlp/tools/asklpsin.html ] Depository libraries are required to submit their inquiries on a Depository Library Inquiry Form, GPO Form 3794 (see Exhibit J of the Instructions to Depository Libraries) via mail or fax. The Depository Library Inquiry Form greatly facilitates LPS' ability to respond to the majority of questions submitted. Additional copies of the Depository Library Inquiry Form can be obtained by writing to:
U.S. Government Printing Office Some problems or questions are not suitable for the Depository Library Inquiry Form and should be handled differently:
2) Complex problems should be addressed to the specific unit within LPS that deals with that area of responsibility. Correspondence directed to LPS should always include the depository library number, business phone number, fax number if available, and best time to call. Contact points within LPS for specific areas of responsibility are listed below: Library Programs Service policy
Director or
Chief, Library Division
Electronic Transition policies
Electronic Transition Staff GPO Access: Gateways Program Analyst
Acquisitions, all formats
Administrative Notes
Chief, Depository Services Microfiche Micrographics Control Section
GPO Cataloging Guidelines
Chief, Cataloging Branch
Acquisitions and Inquiry Group
Inactive List
Shipment Control and Administration Group Claims The library must follow the claiming procedure outlined in Chapter 3 of the Instructions to Depository Libraries and in Administrative Notes. If the library does not receive a claim response within four weeks, then the librarian may inquire about the claim by submitting the Depository Library Inquiry Form. (Do not submit a second claim.) Claims may be submitted by fax at (202) 512-1429. Unusual claim problems (any format)
Chief, Depository Distribution Division
Chronic distribution problems
Chief, Depository Distribution Division |