Updates on Item Lister and DSIMS Enhancements

  • Last Updated: December 31, 1969
  • Published: February 15, 2013

The U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) implemented enhancements to Item Lister and Depository Selection Information Management System (DSIMS) the evening of February 13, 2013. These enhancements were developed in response to requests from depository libraries

Changes to Item Lister include:

  • Data is updated daily, to improve response time (faster than real time updates)
  • Downloadable CSV files containing an individual library’s selected and/or non-selected items
  • Drop-down menu to retrieve a library’s (a) selections, (b) non-selections, (c) selections and non-selections in rows and columns, or (d) selections and non-selections in a single column
  • Library numbers are no longer case sensitive.

Users will temporarily see a .com URL when connecting to Item Lister. This will be remediated in the coming weeks.

Two new features were implemented for the for the DSIMS application:

  • A bulk drop feature that allow libraries to upload a spreadsheet of up to 100 items to be dropped at the same time. This feature was previously available for items to be added, so the new feature enables the same functionality for dropping items.
  • Titles display along with item numbers and SuDoc stems in the list of items available for selection. The title will also display on the tabs for viewing the items available for selection by format. The display for an individual library’s selection profile remains unchanged.

Another new feature is scheduled to be implemented for the DSIMS application on the evening of February 15, 2013. When implemented, email confirmation of the addition or removal of items from a library’s selection profile will automatically be sent to the depository coordinator. This will include confirmation of changes to the library’s selection profile made by the depository coordinator, and items added or dropped through the item creation or inactivation process. Online only items going directly into the library’s selection profile will be included in separate emails from tangible items going into the library’s cart until October 1.

GPO apologizes for any confusion caused due to the release of these features prior this announcement.