GPO’s Library Services & Content Management contributes to and supports four statutory programs:
- The Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP)
- The Cataloging & Indexing Program (C&I)
- The International Exchange Service (IES)
- The By-Law Program
Notable numbers provides a snapshot of the work done to support these programs.
- There are 1,105 libraries in the FDLP.
- In FDLP eXchange, there are 79 libraries offering in 25 regions.
- There are 79 Official GPO Partners:
- 53 Preservation Stewards
- 1 Digital Preservation Steward
- 1 Cataloging and Metadata Contributor
- 17 Digital Access Partners
- 7 Digital Content Contributors
- FDLP Resource Guides has had more than 26,511 views to the 36 guides offered.
- The FDLP Academy has hosted 700 webinars, with more than 93,000 combined registrants.
- FDLP conferences and events have hosted 13,496 virtual registrants since 2013.
- GPO has increased the size of the FDLP Web Archive collection to 55 TB, with over 595,700,000 URLs crawled.
FY 2023 Statistics (October 1, 2022 – September 30, 2023)
- 267 Federal depository libraries, or 24% of all depositories, participated in the Cataloging Record Distribution Program.
- There have been 30,919,850 successful searches of the Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (CGP).
LSCM staff have:
- Distributed 3,203 titles.
- Distributed 491,928 copies of materials to FDLP libraries.
- Added 13,499 new cataloging records to the CGP, of which 9,455 (70%) contained PURLs to full-text publications.
- Checked in 24,409 serial issues to the CGP and created 86 publication patterns for serial titles.
- Identified 2,197 previously-uncataloged Serial & Integrated Resource (IR) titles and created new bibliographic records.
- Resolved 7,148 askGPO inquiries.
Program for Cooperative Cataloging Statistics:
- Authority records: 1,228 authority records created & updated.
- NACO: 1,190 name authority records created & updated.
- SACO: 38 subject authority records created & updated.
- BIBCO: 10,887 records created.
- CONSER: 3,541 records created and updated.
- Newly authenticated CONSER records: 2,270.
- Updated records: 1,271.
GitHub Statistics:
Repositories | 5 |
Collections within repositories | 15 |
Files | 277 |
MARC files | 198 |
CSV files | 52 |
PDF files | 19 |
Text files | 8 |
*Total records (Includes multiple copies of the same records in different files.) | 2,503,687 |
File types | 5 |
Record display pages | 18 |
CGP Data Dashboard
In March 2022, LSCM’s Federal Depository Support Systems (FDSS) and Library Technical Services (LTS) collaborated on the planning, design, and launch of the CGP Data Dashboard. The purpose of the dashboard is to visualize various aspects of the bibliographic records for Federal Government information products in the CGP. The dashboard is the start of our exploration of the CGP as a data set. LSCM plans to use CGP data to tell stories about Federal Government information, the FDLP, and LSCM’s work.
For the first iteration of the dashboard, LTS extracted the following data points from the 7,700 records cataloged by LTS staff members from July through December 2021:
- Chronological coverage
- Based on the publication dates in the MARC 264 fields.
- Geographic coverage
- Based on the geographic area codes in the MARC 043 fields.
- Links to the CGP records in the dashboard map.
- Issuing agencies
- Based on the Superintendent of Documents Classification agency classes in the MARC 086 fields.
- Unreported publications
- Government information products that are not discoverable in the CGP.
- For more details, please see the Reporting Publications page.
- Based on the local codes in the MARC 922 fields.
In December 2022, LTS refreshed the dashboard with data from the approximately 8,800 records cataloged by LTS staff members from January through June 2023. LTS will periodically repeat this process and add new data points.
To maximize the size of each dashboard box, click on the circular icon in the upper right-hand corner. To minimize the box, click on the icon again.
Please send us your feedback and questions about dashboard by submitting an inquiry in the “Cataloging/Metadata (Policy and Records)” category via askGPO.