FDLP Data Manager (FDM) is a collection management system for libraries in the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) using data provided by the U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO). A web-based data warehousing and data mining tool, FDM assists depository libraries in processing, cataloging, and development of their FDLP collection.
Development and Partnership
FDM is based on the original Documents Data Miner (DDM), which was announced in 1998 as a partnership between the Government Printing Office and Wichita State University Libraries. DDM2, announced in the fall of 2001 as a pilot project, was a collaboration between the Wichita State University Libraries and Computing Center. The third iteration, DDM3, was developed in 2016. The development team from University Libraries are Nan Myers, Associate Professor and Government Documents Librarian, and John Williams, Head of Acquisitions. John Ellis, Manager of Internet Applications (retired) for the University IT Center, is the programmer for DDM, DDM2, and DDM3.
GPO acquired DDM3 in 2021 and redeveloped the site for use by the FDLP.
FDM Modules
Shipping Lists Module
Shipping lists are a listing of material shipped out to depository libraries in a tangible format. In FDM, they are available for viewing and querying going back to 1997. Each shipping list is listed on a separate row. Clicking on Details will permit users to see the publications shipped per the shipping list. If an FDL number filter is provided in the query, it will filter the shipping list content to what the library currently selects.
Shelf List Module
The Shelf List module also enables users to see what has been shipped out to depository libraries dating back to 1997. In this module, each publication is listed on a separate line allowing one to see item or piece level information in one glance. The data is derived from shipping lists using the current item selection profile of a library. Therefore, even though data goes back to 1997, FDM cannot provide collection insights based on historic item selection profiles.
List of Classes Module
Depository libraries may review everything available for selection in the List of Classes module. Information includes full item number, SuDoc stem, title, agency, and format. Libraries may filter the List of Classes to content they are current profiled for. They may also review libraries who select content by various geographies.
Depositories Module
The Depositories module displays select Federal Depository Library Directory information. It can be used to quickly identify a library’s selection count. The data is also used to power geography-based queries in the List of Classes module.
MARC Records Module
The MARC Records module warehouses all MARC records created by the GPO Cataloging Division that are currently available in the Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (CGP). Catalog records may be queried and results can be downloaded in .MRC format. Records may be queried by various MARC fields such as item number, SuDoc, title, subject, format type, publication type, and whether a depository library currently selects the content.
Additional Information
Search tips are available in FDM’s Help section. Other FDM tutorials and training are also available.
Recorded training is available in the FDLP Academy Training Repository under the FDM tag.
Note the date that each module’s data was last refreshed or updated by looking for a note at the bottom of the module’s page.