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Are you seeking information on forestry, plants and animals, wood product science, or Forest Service history? The National Forest Service Library (NFSL) has all that and more.
NFSL is a designated field library of the USDA National Agricultural Library (NAL), one of five national libraries of the United States.
NFSL supports Forest Service employees; state, private, and tribal organizations; and the public.
NFSL has approximately 300,000 cataloged items across three branches: the National Forest Service Library in Fort Collins, Colorado; the Forest Products Laboratory in Madison, Wisconsin; and the International Institute of Tropical Forestry in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Our library offers:
- Print materials, journals, and a large collection of digitized documents: https://
- Literature searches and general reference support to FS researchers and others with special requests
- Digital collections including Forest Health Protection literature and an oral history collection featuring women in the Forest Service:
- Document delivery service providing journal articles, reports, and books to FS employees and patrons from other libraries

GovInfo serves as a one-stop website for authentic, published Government information, and provides free public access to millions of official publications and metadata from all three branches of the Federal Government. GovInfo offers access to documents in a variety of formats. It includes current documents produced and published digitally and also digitized, historical documents going back to 1873.
Publications available in GovInfo include the Congressional Record, Congressional Serial Set, U.S Court Opinions, Bills, Laws, Statutes, U.S. Code, Federal Register, Code of Federal Regulations, Public Papers of the Presidents, Congressionally Mandated Reports, and much more.
- Visit GovInfo at to search and browse for Government information
- View an alphabetical list of collections, publications, and other resources
- Try developer tools such as the API or Link Service
- Discover features like Related Documents and Citing functionality
- Access detailed Help information and search tips for all collections
- Explore curated articles highlighting featured content
GovInfo offers a variety of tutorials and handouts, ranging from general tutorials to U.S. Congressional Serial Set tutorials and downloadable handouts.

At Coherent Digital, we believe inclusive research is better research.
Every year, policy organizations around the world publish tens of billions of dollars of research in the form of grey literature—hundreds of thousands of reports, studies, white papers, data sets, and other materials, all peer or expert reviewed. This material is overlooked by traditional publishers, is often not citable and is underused.
We specialize in finding and preserving endangered materials—grey literature, primary sources, new media, voices from the Global South—and making them accessible. We serve over 1,500 customers on six continents with collections and services for research and learning. Our customers include academic libraries, governments, think tanks, and corporations.
Policy Commons is the world's most comprehensive policy database.
It indexes and hosts over 14 million grey literature documents from 40,000 organizations, curating and preserving important reports like the George Floyd investigation for future generations.
Policy Commons Collections
With Policy Commons you can...
- Discover and cite millions of reports through one site. Policy Commons makes local, state, regional, and national government data available alongside research produced by IGOs, NGOs, and think tanks.
- Save hours with a suite of search tools. With full-text searching, wildcard truncation, Boolean and proximity operators, and dozens of search filters, you’ll quickly find exactly what you’re looking for.
- Uncover "lost" content. We've rescued and recovered millions of publications from defunct websites, reports removed from the web, and exclusive digitized backfiles.
- Diversify your research. You’ll find documents from virtually all countries, including content from the Global South, and from small think tanks whose output is missed or deprecated by search engines.
- Keep your research current. We add thousands of new reports every week. Follow organizations, people, topics—even your own searches—and be the first to know about new reports relevant to your research.
- Download tables. We extract tables so that you can find them without opening a single PDF, download the tables in CSV or image format, and cite the table, not just the report.
- Add the content you care about. Tell us about organizations important to your research. We’ll check the sources for quality, add them to the directory, and index their content. Institutional access includes this on-demand service.
- Discover your real-world impact. Our tools display where your organization is mentioned in grey literature. Include these case studies in your impact reports with our permanent links and identifiers.
- Publish to our community. We invite our users to upload their own content if they own the copyright, or upload links to other digital resources if they do not. We’ll enrich and index your uploaded item, give it a permanent URL, and publish it. Through our partnership with Google Scholar, your content will be discoverable to millions of researchers within days.
For more information on Policy Commons and other Coherent Digital resources, please reach out to our team. We’re happy to support you with a demo, trial, or custom quote.

HeinOnline’s U.S. Core+ for Government package is a premier online government research platform carefully designed to meet the needs of any American government
agency. With 30+ research databases, HeinOnline contains the full text of more than 3,300 law and law-related journals, access to U.S. federal and state case law, thousands of
classic legal treatises, and a wealth of government publications. Access complete coverage of the U.S. Statutes at Large, U.S. Code, Federal Register, Code of Federal Regulations, U.S. Congressional Record, and more—all are exact replicas of the original print publications, and all are fully searchable.
Plus, we’re always innovating and listening to the needs of our customers. Just in the last year, we’ve added several new one-of-a-kind databases, such as:
- Nominative Reports (English, Irish, and American): The most comprehensive collection of rare nominative reports available online from the United Kingdom, Ireland, and the United States.
- UK Parliamentary & Government Publications (Public Information Online): A partnership with Dandy Booksellers unlocking access to millions of pages of key UK Parliamentary materials, such as Command Papers and
- West Academic Casebooks Archive: An unprecedented collection of thousands of West Academic Casebooks, Hornbooks, and Nutshells that have been instrumental in shaping legal education and guiding legal research for decades.
- S. State Commitments with Foreign Governments: Edited by Ryan Scoville, this is a groundbreaking collection of more than 750 legal and political commitments
between U.S. states and foreign governments. Most have never before been published.
Popular Databases:
- S. State Package
- Immigration Law & Policy in the S.
- Indigenous Peoples of the America: History, Culture & Law
- Military and Government
- Military Legal Resources (U.S. Army JAG School)
- Air and Space Law
- Water Rights & Resources
- Labor & Employment: The American Worker
- Voting Rights & Election Law
Other Resources:

Discover which surveys meet your criteria or needs. Search by topic, geography, and frequency of publication. This is a great place to jumpstart your research.
The Data Dissemination and Training Branch (DDTB) DDS team provides free presentations and trainings on Census data tools, data sets, and programs both virtually and in-person tailored to the customer's needs. DDTB Staff also assists customers with data inquiries. Contact us at 1-844-ASK-DATA (1-844-275-3282) or [email protected]
Whether you are looking for the most current demographic or economic statistics about your community, the Census Bureau has trainings that can help you access the information you are looking for. Explore Census Academy
2030 Decennial Census
Learn about how we plan to carry out the 2030 Census and the different sources that provide input into the operational design or big-picture plan for conducting the 2030 Census. We plan to finalize the initial operational design in December 2024 and release it in 2025.
Visit 2030 Decennial Census
TIGERweb is a web-based system that allows users to visualize our TIGER (Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing database) data in several ways. The applications allow users to select features and view their attributes, to search for features by name or geocode, and to identify features by selecting them from a map. The TIGERweb applications provide a simple way to view our TIGER data without Geographic Information System (GIS) software and without downloading data. The applications use our TIGERweb REST Services. The TIGERweb WMS and TIGERweb REST Services allow users to integrate our data into their own GIS or custom web-based applications. Click here: TigerWeb
All legal boundaries and names are as of January 1, 2023. file.2023.html#list-tab-790442341
The cartographic boundary files are simplified representations of selected geographic areas from the Census Bureau’s Master Address File/Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (MAF/TIGER) System. These boundary files are specifically designed for small scale thematic mapping. Click here: Cartographic boundary files
Work with interactive mapping tools from across the Census Bureau. Explore Interactive maps
The congressional district map suite includes three map types (national, state-based, and congressional district-based) that depict the congressional districts in effect for the 118th Congress of the United States (January 2023-2025)
View the map at: 118th Congressional District Map
Census partners help America work better through data. Together we harness the power of Census Bureau data and co-create solutions that improve the lives of American people and businesses. Interested in partnering with us, explore Census Partners
Statistics in Schools is a free Census Bureau program that uses the data to create resources for K-12 students in a variety of subjects: Dive into: Statistics in Schools
- State Facts for Students Data Tool: State Facts for Students (
- Fun Facts: Halloween Fun Facts ( and Thanksgiving Day Fun Facts (
- Veteran's Day Warm Up Activity: Honoring Those Who Served (
- What is Statistics in Schools flyer: Statistics in Schools: Classrooms Powered by Census Data
- Hispanic Heritage Month: Have fun and Play Kahoot

The Bureau of Economic Analysis promotes a better understanding of the U.S. economy by providing the most timely, relevant, and accurate economic accounts data in an objective and cost-effective manner.
BEA's economists produce some of the world's most closely watched statistics, including U.S. gross domestic product, better known as GDP. We do state and local numbers, too, plus foreign trade and investment stats and industry data.
Governments of all levels, businesses big and small, and Americans everywhere rely on our numbers. BEA's work underpins decisions about interest rates and trade policy, taxes and spending, hiring and investing, and more.
Check out our materials below and visit our website at for more information.
- What We Do (PDF)
- We've Got Your Number: A quick guide to BEA and its data (PDF)
- Find it Fast: Data Tool Shortcuts (PDF)
- Innovation at BEA (PDF)
- Where Do Those Numbers Come From?
- Explore Economic Data by Topic
- Video: About BEA
- Video: About Our Numbers
- Video: Find Your Data
- Additional BEA Resources
- Contact us: [email protected] or 301-278-9004

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) upholds America’s promise as a nation of welcome and possibility with fairness, integrity, and respect for all we serve. USCIS is the government agency that oversees lawful immigration to the United States.
Visit the USCIS Citizenship Resource Center to find a collection of helpful resources and free study materials for a variety of users including:
- Immigrants who are interested in becoming U.S. citizens.
- Educators who play a critical role in preparing learners.
- Organizations that are interested in supporting immigrants in becoming citizens and assisting them to integrate into American civic society.
Learn About Citizenship: Learn about the naturalization process and eligibility requirements to become a U.S. citizen.
Apply for Citizenship: Apply for naturalization to become a citizen. File your N-400, Application for Naturalization, online.
Find Study Materials and Resources: Find free study materials and resources to prepare for the naturalization interview and test.
Resources for Educational Programs: Educators can find materials to supplement classroom resources and learn about upcoming training seminars.
Civic Integration: Learn about the Citizenship and Integration Grant Program and settling in the United States as a new lawful permanent resident.
Outreach Tools: Organizations can find helpful tools and resources to support immigrants interested in becoming citizens.

ProQuest's U.S. government collections provide an extensive online archive covering congressional and executive branch materials from the present day back to 1789. These collections offer cross-searchable content with advanced search options, supporting research across all academic disciplines and enabling exploration of legislative, regulatory, and Supreme Court materials.
See what’s new:
Trends and Policy: The Trends and Policy collections connect policy and related statistics and news together in a single location for researchers to explore complex U.S. government policies and their impacts and consequences. Editorially created topic pages provide an overview of key laws, concepts, events, and geographic areas, including featured events and associated policy and statistics. Linear timelines illustrate policy progression over time and put policy in context with suggested further readings. This unique series of topical collections includes U.S. Environment, U.S. Healthcare, U.S. Immigration, U.S. Criminal Justice and the newest collection, U.S. Civil Rights.
Executive Branch Documents: ProQuest offers unique insight into American society through our Executive Branch Documents, which boasts a wide array of materials produced by the Federal government from our nation’s founding through the mid-20th century. Topics span business and industry, foreign trade, navigation, immigration and population, health, religious affiliations, military operations, and more. The corpus is continually growing and currently includes six collections.
ProQuest Executive Branch Documents (EBD) Great Series and Reports: This resource offers curated sets of executive branch documents that focus on a complete series of documents and reports plus monographs relevant to issues of today. EBD Great Series and Reports are released in parts annually with 25,000 documents from a variety of executive branch departments. Years of coverage are 1953-present, building upon Executive Branch Documents 1-6 with coverage from 1789-1952. Part 1 will be completed in 2024, Part 2 in 2025, Part 3 will launch in 2025 and be completed in 2026.
ProQuest Insight Products: ProQuest Insight products consist of selected U.S. government documents that offer workflow functionality to assist researchers, educators, and learners in accessing historical and current legislative, judicial, and executive branch materials. Each collection contains primary source content meticulously compiled by a professional research team, providing users with a user-friendly and dynamic workspace for effortless and comprehensive exploration. The Insight products – Legislative Insight, Regulatory Insight, and Supreme Court Insight - empower users to focus on achieving superior research results.
See ProQuest Government Collections brochure (including timeline) for more information on all our government offerings.
For more information, please contact:
Andrew Laas
Senior Product Manager
[email protected]

The Federal Communications Commission regulates interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and cable in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and U.S. territories. An independent U.S. government agency overseen by Congress, the commission is the United States' primary authority for communications law, regulation and technological innovation. In its work facing economic opportunities and challenges associated with rapidly evolving advances in global communications, the agency capitalizes on its competencies in:
- Promoting competition, innovation and investment in broadband services and facilities
- Supporting the nation's economy by ensuring an appropriate competitive framework for the unfolding of the communications revolution
- Encouraging the highest and best use of spectrum domestically and internationally
- Revising media regulations so that new technologies flourish alongside diversity and localism
- Providing leadership in strengthening the defense of the nation's communications infrastructure
The Commission is providing information about the Lifeline Program. Lifeline is a federal program dedicated to making phone and internet service more affordable for low-income households. This benefit provides eligible consumers with a monthly discount of up to $9.25. Consumers living on Tribal lands are eligible for an enhanced discount of up to $34.25 per month.
The Lifeline Program is limited to one benefit per household.
The Lifeline Program application is available online. Copies of the application can be downloaded in English and Spanish.
More information about the program is available on the FCC’s website. Please send an email to [email protected] with questions.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) publishes a variety of books, reports, datasets, and digital products covering international finance, monetary policy, exchange rates, and other global economic issues. IMF publications present the analysis, research, policy advice, and data on economic and financial sector issues at the global, regional, and country level. IMF eLibrary is a free resource that offers access to the IMF’s comprehensive collection of 24,000+ publications, with some items going back to 1946.
- View and download key research on the global economy on IMF eLibrary:
- Jumpstart your research by using Essential Reading Guides with curated lists of relevant publications on timely economic topics:
- Register as a new eLibrary user to access many tools on the platform:
- Visit the IMF publications virtual booth for more information and to sign up for our newsletter:
- Download our Fall catalog for highlights of recent publications
- Contact us with any questions at [email protected]

The mission of the Law Library of Congress is to provide authoritative legal research, reference and instruction services, and access to an unrivaled collection of U.S., foreign, comparative, and international law. To accomplish this mission, the Law Library has assembled a staff of experienced foreign and U.S.-trained legal specialists and law librarians and has amassed the world's largest collection of law books and other legal resources from all countries, now comprising more than 2.9 million items. Currently, the Law Library operates under three main areas of expertise:
Collection Services
The Law Library serves as the nation’s custodian of legal and legislative collections from all countries and legal systems of the world housed in the Library of Congress. As custodian, the Law Library maintains, retrieves, preserves, and secures the print and microform collections. Maintenance includes the shelving of all incoming volumes and serial pieces, filing of incoming loose-leaf updates, advance sheets, and pocket parts, and the weeding of superseded volumes. Retrieval includes the servicing of any material requested. Preservation includes the preparation for binding of newly collated volumes, and the preparation of material to be digitized, microfilmed, or boxed. Security of the collection involves making sure all Library of Congress regulations on this topic are followed in the handling of the legal collection.
Foreign Law Research
The Law Library of Congress provides foreign and comparative legal and legislative information services to national and global researchers through its Foreign Law Specialists. The foreign law specialists are a diverse group of foreign-trained attorneys whose primary jurisdictions include Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, the European Union, France, Germany, Greece, India, Iran, Israel, Japan, Lebanon, Mexico, Nicaragua, Russia, and the United Kingdom. Other jurisdictions are attended to by additional foreign-trained attorneys retained under special contracts. They provide research guidance and assistance using the Law Library's foreign, international, and comparative law collections, as well as information and analysis through the Global Legal Monitor and Legal Reports.
Public Services
In addition to foreign and comparative legal information services, the Law Library also provides research assistance and reference services on United States federal and state legal issues to national and global constituents. Through its staff of skilled law librarians, the Law Library guides requesters to appropriate print and electronic resources and advises constituents on efficient and effective research techniques. They produce a variety of online products, including:
- Guide to Law Online - an authoritative portal of legal and legislative information websites
- Legal Research Guides - guides on legal research techniques and resources
Standing Committee on the Law Library of Congress
The Standing Committee External link serves as the American Bar Association’s connection to and voice of the legal profession concerning the continued development and effective operation of the Law Library of Congress.

Readex, a division of NewsBank, offers acclaimed historical collections that allow students and faculty to explore the past in unprecedented ways. Our expansive catalog of digitized primary sources includes historical newspapers, historical imprints, and government publications spanning more than five centuries.
Best known for its Early American Newspapers and Early American Imprints series, Readex recently introduced Asian Life in America, Black Life in America and Hispanic Life in America—three extraordinary collections of historical and current news—that reveal American life through a diverse lens. The Readex portfolio also contains indispensable collections supporting global studies, including the BBC Monitoring: Summary of World Broadcasts, World Newspaper Archive, Twentieth-Century Global Perspectives, and the Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) Reports, among many others.
- Open Source Intelligence digital collections:
- BBC Monitoring: Summary of World Broadcasts
- (video) The Art of Listening: BBC Monitoring and the Historical Significance of the Transatlantic Open Source Intelligence Relationship, by Dr. Alban Webb, June 2023
- Foreign Broadcast Information Service Daily Reports, 1941-1996
- Global Studies Resources:
- Native American digital collections:
- Additional Resources:
- PDFs for download:
- New from Readex
- American Indian Wars, 1830-1898
- Native American Documents: The Federal Record, 1789-1994
- Territorial Papers of the U.S., 1764 – 1953 – Quick Facts
- Native American Tribal Histories, Series 1-4, 1813 – 1880
- Origins of Modern Science and Technology: Global Perspectives from the CIA Archives
- Twentieth-Century Global Perspectives
- BBC – Monitoring Summary of World Broadcasts, Essential Global Media, 1939-2001

The Naval History and Heritage Command traces its lineage to 1794, when the Navy Department Library was established under the Naval Bureau, which was part of the War Department in Philadelphia. In 1800, President John Adams asked Benjamin Stoddert, the first Secretary of the Navy, to prepare a catalog of professional books best suited for a naval library. Today, the NHHC is the central resource for today’s operational Navy and acts as the service's institutional memory. Headquartered on the historic Washington Navy Yard, D.C., the Command includes ten Navy museums nationwide as well as a detachment that maintains the Navy’s oldest commissioned warship, USS Constitution, in Boston, Mass.
The NHHC manages the official history program of the United States Navy, fulfilling its mission to strengthen the Navy’s effectiveness by preserving, analyzing, and interpreting the service’s hard-earned experience. A professional staff of historians, archivists, librarians, museum specialists, and naval personnel carries out historical activities and supports the fleet.
The Command oversees Navy programs and instructions related to history; advances knowledge of naval history and heritage through professional research, analysis, and interpretation, delivering a range of knowledge products and services; advises the Navy, other agencies, and the public on issues related to Navy ship and aircraft wrecks; and administers grants, fellowships, scholarships, and internships related to naval history.
Download our PDFs for more information: