Superintendent of Documents Public Policies


Superintendent Of Documents Depository Guidance Document 2020-1 provides a framework for the disposition of materials from libraries relinquishing their depository designation. The Government Publishing Office (GPO) now will have a more active role in the disposition of materials from libraries leaving the FDLP in order to help build and preserve a comprehensive National Collection of U.S. Government Public Information.


To allow regional depository libraries the option to discard certain tangible materials which have
been retained by the regional for a specified length of time and only if permanent public access
to an authenticated digital version of the discarded material is available on the U.S. Government
Publishing Office’s (GPO) online system of record.

The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance and instruction for official agency and Congressional requests to withdraw, withhold or restrict access to information products or services available from GPO’s Superintendent of Documents programs administered through Library Services and Content Management (LSCM) by the Superintendent of Documents. It was an INTERNAL USE ONLY policy, until November 17, 2023. It first became effective September 26, 2009 and was revised July 18, 2011. It supersedes ID 72, dated June 21, 2006.