Historical Publications

Earlier or superseded publications of the FDLP.


The Suggested Core Collection Lists were originally created in 1985 by the depository community and GPO. They supported collection development with lists of titles recommended for selection by law libraries and by small and medium public and academic libraries. 

Large libraries were expected to select all titles on the list for their library type. The lists were last reviewed in 2007, when a group of volunteers from the depository community identified 51% of the item numbers on the list as inactive.

The lists, used historically for benchmarking and collection development purposes, remain accessible for reference in the FDLP.gov File Repository.

The Federal Depository Library Handbook complete version and previous editions archive.

Excel document containing searchable data as a temporary solution until full search capability is restored. For a paper copy, please see Administrative Notes Technical Supplement (ANTS).

Contains the Federal Depository Library Manual, its Supplements, and updates from 1999 through 2008.

Contains earlier version of the Superseded List and Guidelines

Contains the Instructions to Depository Libraries and updates from 1992 through 2003.


The Essential Titles list was originally created in 1996 as a collection that the U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) planned to continue disseminating in tangible format in the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP). The list was comprised of titles of U.S. Government information resources deemed essential to the conduct of government. During the transition to a more electronic FDLP, the list reflected GPO’s commitment to distribute certain titles in tangible format indefinitely. Over time, as agencies transitioned more publications to online-only format, GPO could no longer guarantee tangible printing and distribution of all resources on the list. As a result, the Essential Titles list no longer served its intended purpose.

See the FDLP Basic Collection article for current guidance on key publications in tangible and print formats.