Future Distribution of U.S. Exports and Imports of Merchandise DVDs
The U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) recently announced the retrospective distribution of U.S. Imports of Merchandise (C 3.278/2:) and U.S. Exports of Merchandise (C 3.278/3:), which were formerly distributed to depository libraries under item number 0154-D.
As a result of the discrepancies between USA Trade® Online and the U.S. Imports of Merchandise and U.S. Exports of Merchandise DVDs (Item Number 0154-D), item number 0154-D has been reactivated and distribution of the DVD formats will resume on a monthly basis.
- Depository libraries that selected item number 0154-D back in 2006
In addition to receiving the retrospective collection, the import/export DVDs have been added back to your item selection profile. If your library does not want to receive future DVDs, deselect the item number from your library's selection profile. - Depository libraries that did not select this item number back in 2006
If your library would like to receive future distributions of the import/export DVDs, it should be treated as a new item number. Any library that wants to obtain the DVD format must add item number 0154-D to their item selection profile.
The 2010 Annual Item Selection Update Cycle ends on July 31, 2010. You MUST act now to add these DVDs to your selection profile.
Please note that the reactivation of this item number and format in no way affects depository library authenticated access to USA Trade® Online.
More information on the distribution of these retrospective disks can be found in U.S. Exports of Merchandise and U.S. Imports of Merchandise DVDs.
Other special instructions/offers for FDL distribution can be found in Special Instructions/Offers for Federal Information Products.