April 2024 Digital FDLP Implementation Updates

  • Last Updated: May 13, 2024
  • Published: May 13, 2024

March and April were busy months for digital FDLP implementation activities.

  • In March, GPO notified the FDLP community that we had completed a bulk update to the List of Classes, converting many tangible formats to EL format. This work did not impact any library selection profiles.
  • In April, GPO completed manual work in the List of Classes to inactivate tangible formats of titles where an EL format also exists. This work impacted library selection profiles as any inactivated tangible item number would automatically be dropped from profiles that selected that item number.
    • Due to the ongoing changes in the List of Classes to pivot the resources to EL or digital format, libraries should use FDLP Data Manager (FDM) to periodically review the titles and formats for which their library profiles. An FDM tutorial is available.
    • Content being distributed in print format is primarily limited to titles on the PDT List or are Special Selection Offers (SSOs). Exceptions are noted via a ^ symbol in the title field of shipping lists. 
    • To help libraries identify PDT List content, we have augmented the Modified List of Classes. On the right side of the spreadsheet, two extra columns are now available. One column denotes if the List of Classes entry is on the PDT List (Yes or No), and one column lists in what quantity the entry is being distributed under (20-copies/50-copies/Unlimited distribution). 
  • NCSA Steering Committees began work in April. The Steering Committees will facilitate discussion and collaboration among the Federal depository libraries in the NCSA. They will also develop planning documents for the collaborative management of depository collections and work with GPO to develop and refine guidance and procedures for the digital-first FDLP. More information is available in the Steering Committee charters.
  • New Digital FDLP FAQs are also now available.


  • Shipping lists for Separates shipments are now enclosed in a plastic envelope affixed to the outside of the packaging.
  • You will only receive a shipping list if your library profiles for something on that shipping list.

For questions about these updates, please use askGPO, and select the category, “Digital FDLP.”