Cataloging Options for FDLP Resources

  • Last Updated: September 12, 2024
  • Published: September 12, 2024

GPO is aware that many libraries are reviewing and discussing options for continued cataloging and discovery of Federal depository resources in response to the end of the Cataloging Record Distribution Program and the closure of MARCIVE, Inc. Both services will end in December 2024. GPO thanks MARCIVE for over 40 years of contributions to the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) community. 

How your library decides to provide access to online Federal Government resources is up to you; cataloging of online resources is not an FDLP requirement. You may also consider non-cataloging options for digital content management and discovery, such as curated LibGuides, web pages, and development of digital collections. Cataloging continues to be required for physical FDLP materials received at your library. 

Sources of GPO Cataloging Records describes resources and services where GPO catalog records may be found. Local holdings and item information will have to be locally created. Libraries will have to manually download the record sets, work with a new vendor, create scripts, or find other workflows to obtain the records. Libraries may also need to set up additional workflows or automated tasks to process the files. 

Please note that GPO staff are unable to provide guidance or advice related to specific library catalog systems. You are encouraged to discuss cataloging options with depository coordinators, technical services and systems colleagues, regional depository staff, and local networks. 

Questions to consider

  • Can you catalog all digital resources, or is customization via your item selection profile still preferred? 
  • Can you strategically catalog select digital resources based on subject or geography? 
  • Can you integrate relevant online resources into websites or subject guides in lieu of cataloging? 
  • Can you identify what types of catalog records in which your library is interested? For example, do you want changed/updated records or records from various cataloging projects that do not contain item numbers? See the Overview of GPO’s Catalog Records for more details. 
  • Can you catalog at a consortial level and not at the local level? Evaluate the need for local holdings information. 
  • Can you provide access to online Government information through your discovery system without adding catalog records to your catalog? 

We appreciate all of your activities to make content discoverable and to ensure that your library users learn about and gain access to Government information. GPO continues to explore a variety of options to enable libraries to discover and provide access to Federal Government resources and appreciates all library activities supporting this mission.