Cataloging Record Distribution Program Service Ending March 2025
Effective March 31, 2025, Library Services and Content Management (LSCM) will cease all services offered by the Cataloging Record Distribution Program (CRDP). The program has been successful, with libraries of all depository types and in almost all states and jurisdictions participating in the program.
There have been many changes in the discovery and metadata/cataloging ecosystem since the CRDP launched in 2009. Libraries today have many options for acquiring GPO catalog records. Sources of GPO Cataloging Records describes the various resources and services.
See the letter to CRDP participants about ending the service. Libraries on the CRDP waitlist are also being notified. We thank MARCIVE for providing the CRDP service since 2009.
GPO continues to explore a variety of options to enable libraries to discover and provide access to Federal Government resources and appreciates all library activities supporting this mission. If you have any questions or wish to consult about cataloging record sources or other ways to support access, submit an inquiry via askGPO using the “Other Depository Library Question or Issue” category.