Two Superintendent of Documents Policies Revised

  • Last Updated: November 15, 2022
  • Published: November 15, 2022

The Superintendent of Documents has released revised versions of two policies. Regional Depository Libraries Selecting Solely Online Materials (SOD-PPS-2022-1) and Government Publications Authorized for Discard by Regional Depository Libraries (SOD-PPS-2022-2) are both effective as of November 15, 2022.

SOD-PPS-2022-1 provides regional depository libraries flexibility in building and providing service to their Federal depository collections by allowing them to select “online” (EL) as a format without having to make a corresponding tangible selection. This supersedes SOD-PPS-2021-1, effective 08/31/2021.

SOD-PPS-2022-2 provides regional depository libraries flexibility in maintaining their collections by allowing them the option to discard certain tangible materials under specified conditions. This supersedes SOD-PPS-2020-1, effective 10/1/2020.

Superintendent of Documents Public Policy Statements are accessible on at: Superintendent of Documents Public Policies, Guidance, and Reports. Please submit any questions you may have about the policy revisions to askGPO.