Taking Care of Grandma: Resources for Senior Citizens and their Caregivers
Title: Taking Care of Grandma: Resources for Senior Citizens and their Caregivers
- Jane Canfield, Coordinator of Federal Documents, Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico
Almost 500 million people worldwide are 65 and older. By 2030, that total will be 1 billion, according to the National Institute on Aging, a division of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Whether you are one of those people over the age of 65 or a caregiver, this webinar offers something for you. The webinar offers information on the characteristics of our aging population, a few fun and surprising facts, and some tips on aging well. Agencies which offer resources for senior citizens and their caregivers, including Social Security, the CDC, and the National Institute on Aging, are explored. State and local resources, plus some information in languages other than English, are provided. Even if you’re not yet 65, you will be one day, and your patrons can certainly use this information. Join us for this webinar and learn how to age with grace and dignity.