This article contains information on GPO collections and databases, including some with additional access for Federal depository libraries. For more information about content, see the FDLP Content LibGuide.
Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (CGP)
GPO’s Catalog of U.S. Government Publications contains bibliographic records for U.S. Government publications cataloged by GPO for both the Federal Depository Library Program and the Cataloging and Indexing Program. Many of the records within the CGP contain direct links through PURLs to publications available online. The catalog is updated daily with new and historic publication records.
Selected sections of the CGP include:
- Catalogs to Search: record subsets of the CGP, with indexing specific to the content.
- New Titles: multiple lists of resources recently added to the CGP, in specific subsets such as New Electronic Titles.
- MetaLib: a federated search engine that searches multiple U.S. Federal government databases.
- CGP FDLP Login: a custom feature exclusively for Federal depository libraries that provides access to additional CGP functionality.
FDLP Basic Collection
Every Federal depository library is required to have the titles in this collection of core publications accessible for immediate use. These titles are vital sources of information that support the public's right to know about the workings and essential activities of the Federal Government.
A content management system and preservation repository, GovInfo provides free, authenticated access to official publications from all three branches of the U.S. Government. These three components comprise GPO’s system for comprehensive management of electronic information:
- Public access: GPO combines modern search technology with extensive metadata creation for the highest quality search experience.
- Content management: GPO securely controls digital content throughout its lifecycle to ensure content integrity and authenticity. This includes the application of digital signatures to PDF files so users can verify documents have not been altered and are the official versions.
- Digital preservation: GPO’s ISO 16363 certified Trustworthy Digital Repository ensures content is preserved for future generations.
Partnership content
GPO has official partnership agreements with other Federal agencies and libraries to manage and provide free, public access to select FDLP content. Some of the partnerships are with libraries managing tangible content or providing a service while others provide access to online content accessible through bibliographic records in the CGP. Some partner content is also in GovInfo.
Online content is available from Digital Preservation Stewards, Digital Content Contributors, Digital Access Partners, and Cataloging and Metadata Contributors.
Federal depository libraries, sign up for additional FDLP access or content:
Homeland Security Digital Library (HSDL)
An Agency Subscription Database, the Homeland Security Digital Library (HSDL), is a database containing non-classified Presidential directives, policy, and national strategy documents as well as specialized resources related to homeland security. Federal depository libraries may request enhanced access to HSDL.
PACER: Access and Education Program
Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER) is an online service of the United States Judiciary that provides case and docket information from Federal appellate, district and bankruptcy courts. Participating libraries are obligated to provide instructional sessions about PACER. Federal depository libraries may register to participate.
FDLP eXchange
Depository libraries may acquire additional depository publications, primarily older resources, through the FDLP eXchange. This is an automated processing tool, allowing libraries to post and acquire needed depository publications, when offered by other depository libraries weeding those publications. Federal depository libraries may have up to five accounts to work within the system and may update these as needed.
Census Bureau Foreign Trade Data Now Freely Accessible Without a Password
Foreign trade data that was recently only accessible in the FDLP through a login and password is now freely accessible on the Census Bureau website.
The Census Bureau had provided access to a subscription database since some data in the U.S. Imports and Exports of Merchandise on DVD was not yet on the Census website when the DVDs were discontinued. Now that full data from the DVDs has been made available back to 2010, you no longer need to log in to access online international trade data.
Interested depository staff requested the FDLP username and password. If you are at a library where you gained this access, please update any web pages, guides, or other records that indicate a password is needed.
The catalog record has been updated in the Catalog of U.S. Government Publications:
Title: Data Products
Class: C 3.278/4:
Item number: 0154-D-03 (online)
CGP System Number: 1194987
See also:
Title: International Trade Data
Class: C 3.2:T 67/5:
Item number: 0146 (online)
CGP System Number: 1446803