Seeking Volunteers to Develop Custom Record Sets

  • Last Updated: October 21, 2022
  • Published: October 21, 2022

GPO’s Customized Record Sets Working Group is looking for volunteers from public libraries. Customized record sets were created when several Tribal Colleges within the FDLP wanted to be notified about newly-cataloged online resources based on specific Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSHs).

In order to provide a similar service to public libraries, GPO will need to develop a list of subject headings of interest. This will lead to the development of a customized record set of MARC records. GPO is looking for three public libraries to volunteer for the working group to help GPO compile this list. Volunteers will attend a virtual introductory meeting, and other meetings will be scheduled as needed. When this file is developed with input from the working group, the file will be placed on the CGP on GitHub, where the records can be downloaded for free to all interested parties.

Click here to see Customized Record Sets for Tribal Colleges.

Please contact Mechelle Lewis by November 7, 2022 if you would like to be involved in this working group.