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University of Minnesota Libraries Cataloging and Metadata Contributor Partnership with GPO Adds 924 Records to CGP

Library Services & Content Management (LSCM) at the U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) would like to commend both the University of Minnesota (UMN) Libraries staff and GPO’s Library Technical Services (LTS) team for partnering to enhance the Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (CGP) by adding 924 records for ceased agency publications held by that regional depository library.

GPO and UMN signed a Letter of Agreement in July 2021, making this Cataloging and Metadata Contributor Partnership official, but LTS staff began working to create records based on publication scans provided by UMN Libraries in May 2019.

This latest collaboration between GPO and UMN Libraries includes historic publications from three significant ceased agencies and related SuDoc classes:

  • The War Department (W)
  • The Department of the Navy (N)
  • The Office of Education in the Department of the Interior (I 16)

In order to support this collaborative partnership agreement, UMN Libraries staff scanned their uncatalogued publications and posted links to those scans, with accompanying metadata, to a server-hosted spreadsheet. LTS staff then reviewed those digital surrogates and created CGP records for those publications.

LTS staff completed their work to support this partnership on June 6, 2023. Upon completion, LTS staff added 924 records to the CGP for historic, unreported publications held by UMN Libraries. All records created as part of this collaboration between GPO and UMN Libraries can be accessed via the CGP using the expert search query “wlts=MINN*”.

These partnership efforts enhance and strengthen the National Collection of U.S. Government Public Information.

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