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FDLP eXchange Migration Complete

The launch of FDLP eXchange version 1.1 is now complete, and the site is ready for use. Users may now resume all activity.

With this launch, some changes in functionality were made:

  • Spreadsheet uploads are limited to CSV format to help standardize and handle data more effectively.
  • Spreadsheet uploads are limited to 250 items. This change was made to mitigate data issues.
  • The disclaimer check box for Shipping List dates is no longer utilized in the review panel on spreadsheet uploads, to simplify the process for libraries and GPO.

Please note that migration of the training site is still underway. Libraries will be notified in a News Alert when the training site is available.

For questions or comments, please contact us via askGPO, and select the category ‘FDLP eXchange.’

Stay tuned to FDLP News for information on upcoming further enhancements to FDLP eXchange.

FDLP News & Events is a service of the Federal Depository Library Program.