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GPO Response to DLC Letter Regarding Censorship

U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) Director Hugh Halpern responded to an April letter from the Depository Library Council (DLC) that requested guidance for depository libraries related to access to the Federal property in their care, in the context of state and local legislative proposals to restrict access to library materials.

Over 100 bills have been introduced in state legislatures and in local jurisdictions across the country that relate to rating, restriction, or censorship of library materials. The laws that have been enacted have varying language and requirements, so GPO cannot provide blanket guidance for depository libraries. Individualized guidance will be provided to coordinators who may encounter conflicting rules.

Any depository library that is required or asked to destroy or limit access to a specific Government document should immediately notify Federal Depository Support Services via askGPO to discuss the issue. Coordinators will be advised on appropriate ways to comply with state or local laws and the Legal Requirements and Program Regulations for the Federal Depository Library Program (LRPR) to the greatest extent possible.

Please read the GPO response in its entirety. Thank you for your continued commitment to access to public Government information for an America Informed.

FDLP News & Events is a service of the Federal Depository Library Program.