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Volunteer to Present at the Federal Depository Library Conference by September 1, 2023

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The fall 2023 Federal Depository Library Conference takes place October 16 – 18, 2023. GPO is seeking presenters from the FDLP community to participate in this annual, free event.

Volunteer by September 1, 2023.

  • Volunteer to present an educational session.
    • GPO is seeking FDLP community-presented sessions on introductory or advanced topics related to U.S. Government information resources and librarianship. 
    • In addition, GPO and the DLC are seeking presenters on the following topics: 
      • Collaborating with K—12 Schools
      • Marketing & Outreach for Your Collection
  • Volunteer to present a virtual poster.
  • Volunteer to exhibit a product or service in our virtual exhibit hall.

Important Resources:



FDLP News & Events is a service of the Federal Depository Library Program.