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One Week Left to Nominate Exceptional Libraries for 2023 Federal Depository Library Awards

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The U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) is seeking nominations for two Federal depository library awards. The deadline to submit nominations is Tuesday, September 5, 2023.

Library of the Year

Nominate an exceptional Federal depository library for the 2023 Federal Depository Library of the Year award. GPO seeks to honor libraries with innovative services, programs, and staff members who are engaged with meeting the needs of their communities.

You may either self-nominate or nominate a fellow Federal depository. Both regionals and selectives will be considered. 

Library Website of the Year (New this year!)

Nominate an exceptional Federal depository library’s website for the Library Website of the Year. 2023 will be the first year for this honor.

This award will be presented to a library with an outstanding website or guide that presents access to Government information and showcases the library’s FDLP resources in a clear, concise, easy-to-access, and eye-catching manner. Nominations for both library websites and library subject guides will be accepted.

Help us honor Federal depository libraries that go above and beyond in meeting the Government information needs of their patrons and community. The winning libraries will be notified in September and presented with the awards virtually at the 2023 Federal Depository Library Conference on October 16, 2023.

FDLP News & Events is a service of the Federal Depository Library Program.