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2023 Biennial Survey: Preview Questions

The 2023 Biennial Survey of Depository Libraries is set to launch in late September 2023, and run through mid-November 2023. You can now download a preview of the questions to help you prepare for submitting your responses. Your library director or designee must approve of the library’s responses.
The Biennial Survey of Depository Libraries is the means by which depository libraries report their conditions to the U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO). It is administered every two years and response is required by law. The Superintendent of Documents, under the direction of the GPO Director, is responsible for administering the Biennial Survey as required by 44 U.S.C. §1909.
Data from the survey is used to administer the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP), to identify new trends, and to assist in the assessments of the conditions and services of Federal depository libraries.
Learn more about the Biennial Survey of Depository Libraries.

FDLP News & Events is a service of the Federal Depository Library Program.