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Reminder: Submit Your 2023 Biennial Survey This Week

There is just one week left to complete and submit your 2023 Biennial Survey to GPO. We are at a completion rate of 72%, and we need to get to 100%.

The deadline to submit is December 8, 2023.

It is through this mechanism that depositories fulfill their legal obligation to “report to the Superintendent of Documents at least every two years concerning their condition” (44 USC §1909).

A preview of the survey questions is available on

Once you have your answers ready and approved by your library director, use this link to complete and submit the survey: 2023 Biennial Survey.

If you have any questions about completing the survey, please submit a question to askGPO and choose the Federal Depository Library Program tile, then the category “Surveys, including Biennial Survey.”


FDLP News & Events is a service of the Federal Depository Library Program.