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Submit Your Requests for Titles on the Print Distribution Title (PDT) List: Questionnaire Due 12/22/23

In the next step of the implementation of the New Limited Print Distribution Framework, GPO is asking depository libraries to submit their requests for 20- and 50-copy titles on the Print Distribution Titles List (PDT). You will also be able to indicate which criteria you are using for requesting priority for receiving that title. Unlimited titles from this list remain available to all depositories and are not included in this questionnaire.

 Submit your PDT Questionnaire.

It is important that you take the time to fill out this questionnaire if you would like to receive a continuing title in print. Even if your library doesn’t want any limited titles in print, it’s helpful if you complete the survey. Please only submit one response per library.

The survey is due by COB Friday, December 22, 2023.

More information about the new limited print distribution framework can be found in the information of the NCSA meetings held in November with GPO and Depository Library Council representatives. The development of criteria for determining which libraries have priority for receipt of the limited paper format titles moving forward was discussed. Here are links to the recordings, slides, and presentation materials from those meetings.

Additionally, the New Limited Print Distribution Framework page includes information on:

  1. National Collection Service Areas 
  2. Digital FDLP Implementation FAQs (updated November 13, 2023) 
  3. Print Distribution Titles List (PDT)

For questions, please contact us via askGPO, and select the category, “Other depository library question or issue.”


FDLP News & Events is a service of the Federal Depository Library Program.