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Season’s Greetings from LSCM and SuDocs

GPO Tree 1921

GPO’s Holiday Display, 1921.

Dear Federal depository library partners,

On behalf of our staff in GPO’s Library Services & Content Management (LSCM) and Superintendent of Documents organizations, we wish you a happy and healthy holiday season.

The Federal Depository Library Program is in a time of great transition, and Federal depository librarians have stepped up to the plate, contributing your thoughts, ideas, and unique perspectives. As we continue to work collaboratively to transform the FDLP, we are reflecting with gratitude on our Nation’s Federal depository libraries and librarians this holiday season. We look forward to ushering this historic program into its next phase, alongside you, our partners in ensuring an America Informed.

As the close of another year approaches, we wish you and your families a beautiful holiday season and a peaceful and prosperous 2024.

As always, please contact us with questions using askGPO, and we look forward to speaking with you.

Best Wishes from everyone in the Office of the Superintendent of Documents and LSCM,

SuDocs signature Managing Director signature
Scott Matheson
Superintendent of Documents 
Laurie B. Hall
Managing Director, LSCM


FDLP News & Events is a service of the Federal Depository Library Program.