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GPO Releases Legal Publications Collection Record Set

GPO has added a new collection of legal resources to the CGP on the GitHub Repository. The Legal Publications Collection is divided into two files: one for titles available in tangible format and another for titles available in online format. The tangible record set was created from the Print Distribution Titles (PDT) list that circulated during the shift to a digital FDLP. This set includes nine titles: all seven of the unlimited titles and two titles set for distribution of 50 copies (Code of Federal Regulations and the CFR index and finding aids). These titles, along with the 83 titles that comprise the online record set, were chosen because they are selected by at least half of all law libraries in the FDLP as of 2023. A GitHub account is not required for downloading the files.

Please send us your feedback and questions about our repository and records by submitting an inquiry in the Cataloging/Metadata (Policy and Records) category via askGPO.


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