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GovInfo Earns New Certification For Digital Trustworthiness

The U.S. Government Publishing Office’s (GPO) GovInfo, the one-stop site for authentic, published information for all three branches of the Federal Government, has 

earned a CoreTrustSeal certification for the first time. This certification provides data producers assurance that their materials are stored in a reliable manner and to the public that digital materials are authentic and trustworthy. By participating in the CoreTrustSeal process, GPO team members will serve as reviewers for other organizations trying to achieve CoreTrustSeal certifications.

Additionally, GPO continues to maintain yearly re-certification of ISO 16363:2012 since achieving this certification of digital trustworthiness in 2018. The Agency continues to be the only organization in the world to hold the highest global standard of excellence for digital repositories. To maintain its ISO 16363:2012 certification, GPO was evaluated across 109 criteria in the areas of Organizational Governance, Digital Object Management, and Infrastructure and Security Management.

“I am proud of our team for earning both prestigious certifications. They signify to GPO’s stakeholders that Government information will be preserved, accessible, and usable well into the future,” said GPO Director Hugh Nathanial Halpern. “These certifications serve as a key component of the digital Federal Depository Library Program, represents GPO’s dedication to providing trusted products to the American people, and delivers on its vision of an America Informed.”

GovInfo offers approximately 2.5 million publications, all at no cost, and GPO adds an average of 3,000 documents to GovInfo per week on behalf of its customers.

FDLP News & Events is a service of the Federal Depository Library Program.