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Webcasts: GovInfo’s Congressionally Mandated Reports Collection

New webcasts on GovInfo’s Congressional Mandated Reports collection are now available for viewing.

  • Available Webcasts: 
  • Speaker: Keith Wade, Management & Program Analyst, Library Services & Content Management, U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO)
  • Learning Outcomes: In December 2023, the Congressionally Mandated Reports collection launched on GovInfo. GPO fulfilled its responsibility to make these reports publicly-available ahead of its one-year implementation deadline set by Congress. This marks the first time congressionally mandated reports have been accessible to the public in a single location. These webcasts guide users in searching and browsing the collection. Other GovInfo tutorials on a variety of other topics and collections are also availableFind additional resources about the development of the collection, timeline, and more from GPO.

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