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Congressional Research Service Report Cataloging Surpasses 10,000 Records

Since October 2018, the U.S. Government Publishing Office’s (GPO’s) Library Technical Services (LTS) department has been cataloging Library of Congress, Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports. As of January 31, 2024, our librarians achieved a major milestone by surpassing 10,000 records, thus completing cataloging for 10,230 reports. This is approximately 86% of all reports available on the CRS website. New workflows have greatly improved cataloging efficiency, including a collaboration with the CRS to generate monthly reports of new publications and the development of an automated process to generate preliminary records and PURLs. These improvements have allowed GPO to stay current in processing newly published reports each month.

The records can be retrieved in the CGP by this expert mode search: wlts=CRSREP. For questions about the records, contact us via askGPO, and use the category, Cataloging/Metadata (Policy and Records). The records are available in the Congressional Research Service Reports collection of the CGP on GitHub repository. The CRS reports website can be found at

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