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GPO Director Names New Members to the Depository Library Council

U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) Director Hugh Nathanial Halpern announces the appointment of five new members to the Depository Library Council (DLC). DLC members advise the GPO Director on policy matters relating to the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) and access to U.S. Government information. In addition to experience working in various types of libraries, the new DLC members have experience with and knowledge of current developments in the fields of library science and U.S. Government information. These new members will help position the DLC and the FDLP for the GPO’s vision of an America Informed. 


“These council members, along with all librarians and library staff across the country, are vital to GPO’s vision of an America Informed,” said Director Halpern. “We look forward to the advice of these new members, each of whom has their own valuable perspective.”

These five new DLC members will serve from June 1, 2024 – May 31, 2027.

Charlie Amiot is the Government Information & Serials Reference Librarian and FDLP Coordinator at the University of Baltimore School of Law, where she curates the Law Library’s Federal and state Government documents collection. Charlie is poised to leverage her extensive knowledge and zeal for public access to legal information. Her love for the fusion of traditional and emerging library technologies, alongside her commitment to preserving and advancing open access to Government information, makes her a genuine and passionate voice in the library community.

Lisa DeLuca is the Assistant Dean of Public Services and Associate Professor at Seton Hall University Libraries. DeLuca is an academic library administrator focused on campus collaborations, scholarly communication, and research innovation with students, faculty, and the Seton Hall community. As a Social Sciences librarian, DeLuca linked academic audiences with appropriate, open-source research tools. She has presented and published information about using available Government content in more than 370 FOIA Libraries as a springboard for civic engagement.

Elissa A. Lawrence is the Government Documents Librarian and Regional Depository Coordinator at the State Library of Ohio. In addition to providing guidance to Ohio’s 49 selective depository libraries and managing the state library’s own Federal depository collection, she also provides general reference services and catalogs Ohio’s state Government documents. She has previous experience as a library assistant for the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction and as a school library media specialist. She is currently a member of REGIL (Regional Government Information Librarians).

Stephani (Nia) Rodgers is the Public Affairs Research Librarian at Virginia Commonwealth University’s Cabell Library. Nia works with faculty, students, and staff in the Political Science Department, The Robertson School of Media and Culture, and the L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs to support their research. Rodgers coordinates the VCU Libraries' Government document collections and is very interested in providing public access to Government information.

Andrea Stelljes is the Librarian/Depository Library Coordinator in the Business, Science, and Government Documents Department at Hennepin County Library—Minneapolis Central. Andrea has extensive experience managing and creating access to library collections and providing information services to a diverse population. In 2022, she was a member of the Task Force on a Digital Federal Depository Library Program.

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