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Webcasts: “Working with Your Library’s Item Selection Profile” and “Depository Selection Information Management System (DSIMS)”

Two brief webcasts are now available for viewing. Both relate to FDLP data files and tools used to manage library item selection profiles. The information is applicable to libraries that are digital and use their selection profile to get records for online or EL format content and for libraries that continue to get paper format titles. The intended audience is those who are new to managing FDLP selection profiles or those who need a refresher.

Working with Your Library’s Item Selection Profile

  • Duration: 10 minutes
  • Learning outcomes: This recording provides a quick overview of the data files and tools used to manage an FDLP item selection profile. Resources covered include:
    • What are item numbers
    • List of Classes
    • Modified List of Classes
    • UNION-L
    • Item Lister
    • Depository Selection Information Management System (DSIMS)
    • FDLP Data Manager (FDM)

Depository Selection Information Management System (DSIMS)

  • Duration: 12 minutes
  • Learning outcomes: This recording provides a quick overview of the Depository Selection Information Management System, or DSIMS, which is used to manage depository library item selection profiles. Topics covered include:
    • Navigating DSIMS
    • Selecting item numbers
    • Deselecting item numbers
    • Bulk selections and deselections
    • Preparing a spreadsheet for bulk processing

Visit the FDLP Academy Training Repository for access to FDLP educational resources. All are encouraged to share and re-post information about these free training opportunities.

FDLP News & Events is a service of the Federal Depository Library Program.