Examine Your Library’s Depository Operation: Determine if your Library Acquires any Publications in a Physical Format

Since February, 2024, the only publications being distributed are Special Selection Offers and those on the Print Distribution Titles List.

Special Selection Offers (SSOs)

These are print publications on “hot topics” or titles of major interest to many libraries. They are disseminated in the FDLP by library request, and not by item number.

  • Check if there is interest at your library in receiving Special Selection Offers.
  • If so, start monitoring FDLP News and Events for new SSOs.
  • When a SSO of interest is available, submit the form to request a copy.

If more copies are requested by libraries than are available, recipients will be randomly selected. GPO will ensure that at least one copy of each publication is sent to a library in each National Collection Service Area.

Print Distribution Titles

The titles on this list are those available in print format in the Digital FDLP. Distribution according to this list started in February, 2024.

"Unlimited titles", or titles with unlimited distribution to selecting depositories

See if your library’s FDLP item selections include the “Unlimited Titles” currently available in print format. They are on the first page of the Print Distribution Titles List and are marked as “UNL” in the Modified List of Classes PDT Quantity column. 

  1. Find your library’s item selections in FDLP Data Manager (FDM), Item Lister, or DSIMS.
  2. Check if the item numbers associated with the Unlimited Titles are on your library’s FDLP selection profile. For example, if your library’s item selections include “0576”, your library is selecting and receiving the United States Statutes at Large (AE 2.111:).
  • If you no longer wish to receive any of the Unlimited Titles, you may deselect them through the Depository Selection Information Management System (DSIMS), the tool used to make item number changes to your library’s selection profile. 
  • You may also add Unlimited Titles to your item selection profile anytime in DSIMS, but they won’t be added to your library’s item selection profile until the new Federal fiscal year on October 1st. 

"50 and 20-Copy Titles", or titles with distribution limited to 50 or 20 libraries

Determine if your library has committed to collecting and retaining specific print titles with limited distribution to 20 or 50 copies nationwide, with at least one copy in each National Collection Service Area. These titles are in the Print Distribution Titles List and are marked as 20 or 50 in the Modified List of Classes PDT Quantity column.

See Library Allocations for publications with limited distribution on the Print Distribution Titles List and look for your library on the lists. You could also check for each publication item number on your library’s item selection profile, applying the directions above for each of these titles.

Important note: If your library is profiled for a 20-copy or 50-copy title, you have agreed to receive and retain those titles within your NCSA. Specific rules apply to those PDTs. See Limited Print Distribution Framework for more information.

GPO manages the item numbers associated with these titles. Do not make changes to these item numbers in DSIMS. If your library would like to cease getting this material, contact GPO through askGPO as the publications will be reallocated within your NCSA.