New Superintendent of Documents Policy Released

  • Last Updated: July 09, 2024
  • Published: July 09, 2024

Superintendent of Documents Public Policy Statement (SOD-PPS) 8-2024, Withdrawal of Federal information products from the National Collection of U.S. Government Public Information and GPO’s online U.S. Government Bookstore, became effective July 8, 2024.

The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance for U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) staff when Congress or a publishing Federal agency requests the withdrawal, withholding, or restriction of access to its information products or services available from the Superintendent of Documents’ Public Information Programs. This policy replaces Superintendent of Documents (SOD) Policy 110, Withdrawal of Federal Information Products from GPO’s Superintendent of Documents (SuDoc) Programs.

The draft version of this policy was open for public comment from November 17 – December 22, 2023, and GPO received 11 submissions. Revisions were made to the policy based on some of the comments we received. A report of the comments is forthcoming. It will be posted with related policy information on the Closed Requests for Comments web page on