
eBook FAQs

General What is an eBook? An eBook, short for electronic book, is a book-length publication in digital form with text, images or both. Most eBooks are formatted specifically to be read on dedicated e-readers, however many other electronic devices, including computers and mobile phones, can also be used to read eBooks with the appropriate software. What eBook file formats can I access from the Catalog of U.S. Government Publications? eBooks titles are availabl...

GPO Statement on Outdated and Offensive Language

The Superintendent of Documents has the legal obligation to create a comprehensive catalog of the official publications of the U.S. Government, to increase public access to them. The Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (CGP) includes bibliographic descriptions of Government publications and, when available, links to digitized and born-digital resources. Publications in the CGP date from the 1800s to the present, and they, and their descriptions, may contain outdated,...

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Dental Care

March 6th is National Dentist’s Day. Learn more about related resources from the Catalog of U.S. Government Publications. Oral health status and access to oral health care for U.S. adults aged 18-64 : National Health Interview Survey, 2008. Three good reasons to see a dentist before cancer treatment (2012 August) Assessing EPA’s efforts to measure and reduce mercury pollution from dentist offices [electronic resource] : hearing before the Subcom...

New Demo Article

Testing 123 Go to Google Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam et fermentum dui. Ut orci quam, ornare sed lorem sed, hendrerit auctor dolor. Nulla viverra, nibh quis ultrices malesuada, ligula ipsum vulputate diam, aliquam egestas nibh ante vel dui. ...