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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean elit magna, accumsan a risus non, porta luctus leo. Nulla elit ex, consequat eget neque at, ultricies cursus purus. Nullam laoreet orci a pellentesque congue. Nam faucibus, nunc vitae egestas vulputate, massa ante pretium lectus, id hendrerit tellus est sed enim. Sed tincidunt placerat mattis. Maecenas egestas nisl id purus sollicitudin faucibus. Quisque cursus, nisl efficitur sagittis rhoncus, erat odio bib...

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Welcome to FDLP First Text Second Text Third Text Fourth Text Fifth Text The Federal Digital System replaces GPOAccess, an information storage system to house electronic government documents with a modern information management system. FDsys authenticates, preserves and provides permanent public access to federal government documentsThe United States Government Publishing Office (GPO; formerly the United States Government Printing Offi...

Closed Requests for Comments

The Superintendent of Documents received comments from the depository library community, interested stakeholders, and the broader general public on the following: TOPIC: Revised Superintendent of Documents policy on withdrawal of content (Draft) PROPOSAL:  Withdrawal of Federal information products from the National Collection of U.S. Government Public Information and GPO’s online U.S. Government Bookstore SUPERSEDES: Withdrawal of Federal Inform...

Open Requests for Comments

The Superintendent of Documents seeks comments from the depository library community, interested stakeholders, and the broader general public on various documents, including draft policies. The comment period will be no fewer than thirty days. All comments will be reviewed, considered, and applied as appropriate. Currently there are no open requests for comments. Closed Requests for Comments ...

Superintendent of Documents Public Policies, Guidance, and Reports

Public Policy Statements Superintendent of Documents (SOD) policies support the U.S. Government Publishing Office’s (GPO’s) mission of “Keeping America Informed” and the mission, vision, and priorities of the GPO’s public information programs. Policies provide guidance for and assist with decision-making, which is primarily operational in nature. That is, guidance that affects the operations of Library Services and Content Management (LSCM). Standard Operating Procedu...

Attaching Regional Depositories’ OCLC Holding Symbols to GPO Cataloging

The U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) has been setting holdings for regional depository libraries since February 2005. There was a delay in the service in 2016-2017 while changes were made at OCLC, but all holdings were retrospectively added. This service has been discontinued as of February 2024. The final batch of catalog records to receive regional holdings via this service were catalog records created in the month of January 2024. The service is in suppor...

FDLP eXchange

FDLP eXchange provides libraries in the Federal Depository Library Program with a one-stop-shop for the entire needs and offers process. FDLP eXchange automates disposition processing by allowing libraries to enter information on materials they want to discard and to have the process managed by an automated workflow. The application also allows libraries to enter information on materials needed for their collections or digitization efforts. The user-friendly design in...

FDLP Mission & History

Federal Depository Shipping List Timeline FDLP Mission, Vision, & Values FDLP Definitions & Acronyms A Brief History of the FDLP A Short History of GPO Part 1 (written as part of GPO’s 125th anniversary commemoration) A Short History of GPO Part 2 (written as part of GPO’s 125th anniversary commemoration) U.S. Congressional Serial Set: What it Is and Its History (presented at the Spring 1998 Depository Library Council Meeting & Federa...

Sources of GPO Cataloging Records

General Information The Government Publishing Office (GPO) makes its cataloging records available to libraries in several ways. GPO managed resources These resources are available to Federal depository libraries. Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (CGP) FDLP Data Manager (FDM) (login required) Cataloging Record Distribution Program (CRDP) (participant number is limited) GitHub Repositories Z39.50 (login required) Vendor or membership serv...

FDLP Basic Collection

Every Federal depository library is required to have the titles in the "basic collection" accessible for immediate use. These titles are vital sources of information that support the public's right to know about the workings and essential activities of the Federal Government. This list is subject to change. Consult the guidance article on Depository Collection and Development for more information and ways to provide access to these titles within your deposit...