
A Brief History of the FDLP

FDLP History and Mission The Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) has been part of the U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) (formerly Government Printing Office) since 1895, providing Government information to libraries serving the need of people across the Nation for information by and about their Federal Government. Congress first authorized the distribution of one copy of the House and Senate Journals and other Congressional documents to certai...

U.S. Congressional Serial Set: What It Is and Its History

Introduction This is an article was reposted from the retired GPO Access website. The article comprises of excerpts that were adapted from a presentation by Ms. Virginia Saunders, who was a Congressional Documents Specialist, in GPO's Congressional Printing Management Division. Her presentation was given at the Spring 1998 Depository Library Council/Federal Depository Conference in Arlington, Virginia. I trust that many of you are in some way familiar with the Unit...

The Essential FDLP: Share Your Experiences with GPO

GPO’s Library Services & Content Management is are gathering stories, testimonials, and short videos about the importance, value, and vital nature of the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) and Government information. Examples might include: Reference success stories Illustrations of a time when Government information helped a member of your community Testimonials received from patrons Any words you have to say about the importance of the FDLP ...