
Moving Collections and Other Disruptions to Service

A growing number of depository libraries are experiencing the need to move collections, either temporarily for renovation projects or permanently, sometimes to an off-site location. Bibliographic Access Piece-Level Records Housing Materials Disruptions In Operations Timely Access Free Public Use ...

Biennial Survey of Depository Libraries

The Biennial Survey of Depository Libraries is the means by which depository libraries report their conditions to the Government Publishing Office (GPO). It is administered in odd numbered years and response is required by law. Responding to GPO Biennial Survey ...

Public Access Assessments (PAA)

The Public Access Assessment (PAA) is a consultative review of individual depository compliance with requirements and regulations. The PAA also focuses on information sharing to enhance access to and services for depository resources. Recordkeeping Responding to GPO Biennial Survey Public Access Assessments Coordinator Director Agreement ...

Federal Depository Library Directory and Library Addresses

The Federal Depository Library Directory provides searchable street address, contact, and other information useful to locate depositories. Shipping addresses for depository libraries are maintained in DSIMS. Coordinator Responsibility FDL Directory ...

Services and Staffing at Depository Libraries

In a letter sent to all Depository Coordinators, Superintendent of Documents Laurie Hall addressed questions concerning access to Government resources as libraries reopen.  Limited Access Access Privileges Disruptions In Operations Comparable Services When Disaster Strikes Staffing Levels Cooperation Among Libraries ...

Depository Collection and Development

Development involves identifying needs of library users and selecting materials appropriately. Tangible and online (EL) selections, the FDLP Basic Collection, official partnerships, the Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (CGP), govinfo, and other U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) resources comprise the collection. Selective Housing Agreements Material Retention Cooperation Among Libraries Developing Co...

Amending Your Library's Selection Profile

FDLP libraries choose materials for their libraries through selection profiles, that are the list of item numbers for specific desired content. As content and format needs of the community change, so too should the selections of government publications. Developing Collections Format Selections Required Item Numbers ...
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