2014 Fall DLC: Law Libraries & the FDLP: Past, Present, & Future

  • Duration: 46 minutes
  • Date Recorded: December 03, 2014


  • Kate Irwin-Smiler, Wake Forest University School of Law Professional Center Library
  • Scott Matheson, Yale Law School Lillian Goldman Library
  • Rosemary LaSala, St. John’s University Rittenberg Law Library
  • Teri Taylor, New Jersey State Library


Law libraries are an often mysterious and sometimes intimidating component of the depository library community. This session will explain the history of law libraries in the FDLP and the variety of law libraries that are depository libraries; describe how depository membership helps patrons of law libraries and special challenges and incentives for membership; and explore the unique strengths that law libraries and librarians can bring to the depository community. We will highlight some current and prospective collaborative projects involving legal materials and expertise and seek input on how law libraries can contribute to the community in the future.

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