2024 Fall DLC: Shared Responsibility for Shared Collections: What Can We Learn from Shared Print Programs?

  • Duration: 59 minutes
  • Date Recorded: October 22, 2024


  • Valerie Glenn, Business and Public Affairs Collections Librarian, Virginia Commonwealth University
  • Shari Laster, Head of Open Collections Curation and Access, Arizona State University
  • Jesse Silva, Scholarly Resources Strategy and Federal Government Information Librarian, University of California, Berkeley
  • Rebecca Crist, Program Coordinator for Shared Collections Resources, ASERL/Scholars Trust


Shared print and collective collection management have been active concepts in the library world for 75 years. Shared print programs, which typically coordinate a group of libraries in managing print collections, allow libraries to share responsibility for the long-term retention of materials as a distributed network. In this presentation, we will explore the current state of shared print programs and how they are evolving to continue to meet the needs of libraries. This presentation will also provide insight into two shared print programs: Scholars Trust, which incorporates holdings from the Association of Southeast Regional Libraries (ASERL) and the Washington Research Library Consortium (WRLC), and the University of California’s Federal Documents Archive (FedDocArc) program, which coordinates shared retention for U.S. Government publications within the University of California system. Building on this foundation, we will connect the world of shared print with the stated goals of current FDLP programs including Preservation Stewards, the National Collection Service Areas (NCSAs), and the new print distribution framework for the FDLP.

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