General Resources in the Humanities and Social Sciences and the Agencies and Government Affiliates Which Provide Them Such as the Library of Congress, NEH, Smithsonian, PBS and NPR

  • Duration: 56 minutes
  • Date Recorded: August 20, 2020


Title: General Resources in the Humanities and Social Sciences and the Agencies and Government Affiliates Which Provide Them Such as the Library of Congress, NEH, Smithsonian, PBS and NPR


  • Jane Canfield, Coordinator of Federal Documents, Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico


Looking for information on history and culture? How about primary source information from historic newspapers? Interested in a good political debate or want to chill out with some great art? Do you have researchers interested in voting rights for women or minority groups? A user with a passion for country music? All this and more can be found in a variety of Government resources. Come along for this webinar and enjoy exploring the humanities through places like the Library of Congress, the Smithsonian museums, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and other interesting and informative sites.

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