History of Women in Printing Pre-1800: Leveraging Wikidata As a Discovery Tool

  • Duration: 44 minutes
  • Date Recorded: May 05, 2023


  • Daniela Rovida, Rare Books Cataloging & Metadata Librarian, Hesburgh Libraries, University of Notre Dame
  • Cindy Tian, Metadata Services Librarian, Kresge Law Library, University of Notre Dame


The presenters explored the implementation of Wikidata for the women's names and the works they produced in order to provide greater exposure to women’s significant contribution to the printing industry throughout the centuries and to facilitate related research. During this webinar, the presenters will introduce Wikidata as a discovery tool and highlight the benefits of leveraging linked data to make siloed information more open and accessible. Participants will learn about the project's goals, procedures, outcomes, and lessons learned. This session may prompt librarians and other information professionals to engage in similar projects to promote the discoverability of traditionally siloed resources in library special collections and the cultural heritage sector.

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