PTAB Insights into the ISO16363 Audit of GPO
- David Giaretta, Primary Trustworthy Digital Repository Authorisation Body Ltd. (PTAB) Lead Auditor and Director of PTAB
- John Garrett, PTAB Lead Auditor and Principal at Garrett Software and Co-chair of CCSDS Data Archive Interoperability Working Group, formerly Principal Analyst at NASA’s National Space Science Data Archive
- Steve Hughes, PTAB Auditor and Principal Computer Scientist at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- Bruce Ambacher, PTAB Auditor and Research Associate at University of Maryland, formerly Information Technology Specialist at NARA and Visiting Professor at University of Maryland
Viewers will learn how the ISO 16363 audit of GPO was carried out in a way to ensure impartiality, competence, and respect for confidentiality. Viewers will gain an understanding of the international processes involved, as well as PTAB’s specific procedures required. They will gain and appreciation of the level of preparation by GPO and the breadth and depth of investigation by PTAB for the audit. Benefits of certification, including its international recognition, will be discussed briefly.