Using FDLP eXchange in a Large or Multi-State Region

  • Duration: 50 minutes
  • Date Recorded: January 22, 2020


Title: Using FDLP eXchange in a Large or Multi-State Region


  • Alicia Kubas, Government Publications and Data Librarian and Regional Depository Coordinator, University of Minnesota Libraries
  • Crystal Rowe, Regional Federal Depository Library Coordinator for WA & AK/Deputy State Librarian, Washington State Library
  • Carmen Tinker, Government Information Librarian, Washington State Library


This webinar discusses lessons learned by two multi-state Regionals who were early adopters of FDLP eXchange. The webinar covers managing offers from a large number of geographically-dispersed selective libraries, and viewers from both selective and regional depositories will learn tips and tricks for using FDLP eXchange.

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