WEBTech Notes

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Title SuDoc No. Item No. Shipping List No. Category Notes Record No. Created Last Modified
General Revenue Sharing T 1.53/2: 0925-G-04 UM Discontinued. 102404
Foreign Credits by the U.S. Government T 1.45: 0925-C UM Discontinued. 102405
Revenue Sharing Quarterly Payments T 1.53/3: 0925-G-04 UM Discontinued. 102406
Tobacco Tax Guide T 22.19/5: 0956-A UM Discontinued. 102444
Report to the Public T 34.1/2: 0974 UM Discontinued. 102486
Decisions and Orders T 70.16: 0954-A UM Discontinued. 102538
National Forest Annual Reports (various regions). A 13.114/4: 0080 UM Class should be A 13.114/2: 93685
Northeastern Research Notes, NE-RN A 13.42/27: 0079-A-05 UM Class changed to: A 13.79:, item no. 0083-B-04. Discontinue item no. 0079-A-05. Correction to update 1991-10. 93741
Arms Control Update (monthly) AC 1.17: 0125-A-10 UM Discontinued. 94314
Minority Business Today (bimonthly) C 1.79: 0126-C-03 UM Format changed to (MF). 94362