WEBTech Notes

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Title SuDoc No. Item No. Shipping List No. Category Notes Record No. Created Last Modified
Laws Relating to the National Park Service, Supplement V, 96th, 97th and 98th Congresses, January 1979 to September 1994, 2000 I 29.46:L 46/SUPP.5/979-84 0653 2000-0264-P CC Change class to: I 29.46:L 44/SUPP.5/979-84. 90463
Laws Relating to the National Park Service, Supplement VI, 99th, 100th and 101 Congresses, January 1985 to December 1990, 2000 I 29.46:L 46/SUPP.6/985-90/CORR. 0653 2002-0172-P CC Change class to: I 29.46:L 44/SUPP.6/985-90/CORR. 90465
Laws Relating to the National Park Service, Supplement VII, 1991-1994, 102nd and 103rd Congresses, 2001 I 29.46:L 46/SUPP.7/991-94 0653 2003-0070-P CC Change class to: I 29.46:L 44/SUPP.7/991-94. 90466
Laws Relating to the National Park Service, Supplement VI, 99th, 100th and 101 Congresses, January 1985 to December 1999, 2000 I 29.46:L 46/SUPP.6/985-90 0653 2001-0236-P CC Change class to: I 29.46:L 44/SUPP.6/985-90. 90469
Vegetation Patterns, Hydrology, and Water Chemistry in Small Watersheds in the Hoh River Valley, Olympic National Park, 1998 I 29.80:2 0646-G 2000-0041-M CC Change class to: I 29.80:98/02. 90480
Ellis Island I 29.88:EL 5/3 0624-E-01 1990-0600-P CC Change class to: I 29.21:EL 5/3. Correct item no. 0650. 90486
Bull, Trout, Salvelinus Confluentus. Draft Recovery Plan, Chapter 17, Salmon River Recovery Unit I 49.77/2:B 87/CHAP.17/DRAFT 0611-L-02 2003-0219-M CC Change class to: I 49.77/5:B 87/CHAP.17/DRAFT. Typo on shipping list. 90613
Bull, Trout, Salvelinus Confluentus. Draft Recovery Plan, Chapter 20, Lower Columbia River Recovery Unit I 49.77/2:B 87/CHAP.20/DRAFT 0611-L-02 2003-0219-M CC Change class to: I 49.77/5:B 87/CHAP.20/DRAFT. Typo on shipping list. 90616
Fish and Wildlife News, January/February 2002 I 49.88:2002/1 0300-A 2003-0426-M CC Duplicate distributed in error. Treat as secondary copy. Correct item no. 0616-N. Correct format (EL). 90625
Get Wild in Wyoming, Wild Horses and Burros, Five Big Events I 53.2:H 78/19 0631 2003-0029-S CC Change class to: I 53.11/3-2:H 78/3. Correct item no. 0631-E. 90643