WEBTech Notes

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Title SuDoc No. Item No. Shipping List No. Category Notes Record No. Created Last Modified
Screening Partnership Program: Why is a Job-Creating, Public-Private, Partnership Meeting Resistance at TSA?, February 7 and 16, 2012, 112-2 House Hearing 112-66 (MF) Y 4.H 75:112-68 1018-D 2013-0066-M WH Change class to: Y 4.H 75:112-66. Serial no. on fiche should read 112-66. 114094
Prohibiting the use of Deceptive Practices and Voter Intimidation Tactics in Federal Elections (MF) Y 4.J 89/2:S.HRG.112-892 1041-B 2014-0022-M WH SuDoc number printed incorrectly on fiche. Correct class is: Y 4.J 89/2:S.HRG.112-893. 114093
Review of EPA's Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations (PAMS) Network Re-engineering Project (EL) EP 1.2:N 63/13 0431-I-01 CC Change Class to: EP 1.2:P 56/15 114113
Council on Graduate Medical Education (U.S.) (EL) HE 20.9019/12:19 0507-H-26 CC Change class to: HE 20.9019/2:19 114114
NIJ Standard (series) (P) J 28.15: 0717-J UM Change format to (EL-only). No longer distributed to depository libraries in a tangible format. 114090
NIJ Reports (series) (P) J 28.15/2: 0717-J UM Change format to (EL-only). No longer distributed to depository libraries in a tangible format. 114091
Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area, Montana/Wyoming, 2014 (Braille) I 29.155:B 48 0648-A-35 2015-0204-P CC Change class to : I 29.155:B 48/2 114089
Burma Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2014...Markup...Serial no. 113-221... Com. on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Reps.... 113th Cong., 2nd Session (MF) Y 4.F 76/1:113-221 1017-B-01 2015-0135-M CC Change Item Number to: 1017-B-07. 114088
Various Measures...Markup...Serial No. 113-225...Com. on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Reps... 113th Cong... 2nd Session (MF) Y 4.F 76/1:113-225 1017-B-01 2015-0135-M CC Change Item Number to: 1017-B-07. 114087
Water Sharing Conflicts and ...Markup...Serial No. 113-231...Com. on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Reps... 113th Cong...2nd Session (MF) Y 4.F 76/1:113-231 1017-B-01 2015-0135-M CC Change Item Number to: 1017-B-07. 114086