WEBTech Notes

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Title SuDoc No. Item No. Shipping List No. Category Notes Record No. Created Last Modified
Grand Portage National Monument, Minnesota, 2013 (Braille) I 29.155:G 76 0648-A-35 2015-0204-P CC Change class to : I 29.155:G 76/3. 114085
U.S. Census Bureau Reference Maps (EL) C 3.223/11: 0159-G-55 UN New class and item no. Libraries selecting 0154-A-20 will have 0159-G-55 added to their item selection profile. PURL:http://purl.fdlp.gov/GPO/gpo57521. 114084
Supplement, Alaska (P) TD 4.79/2: 0982-L-14 WH Incorrect effective dates printed on cover and spine of volumes effective "0901Z 30 APR 2015 to 0901Z 25 JUN 2015." The correct effective dates are "30 APR 2015 to 25 JUN 2015." Dates printed as "25 JUN 2015 to 20 AUG 2015" on the cover and spine are incorrect. For Airport Facility Directory Southwest A/FD, the incorrect dates are printed as effective dates "25 JUN 2015 to 20 JUN 2015." Also, the back cover of these volumes contain an incorrect Julian date and barcode of "15176." The correct date and barcode is "15120." These volumes will not be reprinted. 114083
Airport Facility Directory (A/FD) (P) TD 4.79: 0982-L-13 WH Incorrect effective dates printed on cover and spine of volumes effective "0901Z 30 APR 2015 to 0901Z 25 JUN 2015." The correct effective dates are "30 APR 2015 to 25 JUN 2015." Dates printed as "25 JUN 2015 to 20 AUG 2015" on the cover and spine are incorrect. For Airport Facility Directory Southwest A/FD, the incorrect dates are printed as effective dates "25 JUN 2015 to 20 JUN 2015." Also, the back cover of these volumes contain an incorrect Julian date and barcode of "15176." The correct date and barcode is "15120." These volumes will not be reprinted. 114082
Watershed, Stream Channel, and Riparian Restoration Services. A 13.2:W 31/6 0084 CC Change class to: A 13.2:W 31/9. 114081
Personal Use Firewood Map: Inyo National Forest A 13.28:IN 8/4/ 0080-G CC Change class to: A 13.36/2-9:IN 8/. 114080
Logan Ranger District Personal Use Firewood Program A 13.28:W 26/6/9 0080-G 95-0165-P CC Change class to: A 13.28:W 26/9. 114077
Fremont-Winema National Forest / Chiloquin And Klamath Ranger Districts 2015 Firewood Map Jan. 22, 2015 (P) A 13.36/2-9:F 87/2014/CHILOQ. 0086-C-02 2015-0176-P CC Change class to : A 13.36/2-9:F 87/2015/CHILOQ. 114076
U.S. Copyright Office fair use index (integrating resource) (EL) LC 3.15: 0803-B-03 UN New class and item no. Libraries selecting 08030-B will have 0803-B-03 added to their item selection profile. PURL: http://purl.fdlp.gov/GPO/gpo57163 114221
Rocky Mountain Research Station: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides (P) A 13.151/4: 0079-B-07 UM Change format to: EL-only 114075