WEBTech Notes

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Title SuDoc No. Item No. Shipping List No. Category Notes Record No. Created Last Modified
The Citizen's Almanac, Fundamental Documents Symbols, and Anthems of the United States, March 2007 HS 8.2:C 49/2007 0520-G 2007-0223-P CC Change class to: HS 8.21:2007. 113957
Early Head Start Benefits Children and Families : Research and Evaluation. HE 23.1102:H 34/6 0499-G-02 CC Change class to: HE 23.1102:H 34/19 114462
NOAA Technical Reports: NMFS (series) (MF) C 55.13: 0208-C-04 WH Title and class changed to NOAA Professional Papers NMFS, C 55.25: and format changed to EL. 113956
Wall Street Bank Involvement with Physical Commodities, S.HRG. 113-501, Vol. 2 of 2, November 20 and 21, 2014 Y 4.G 74/9:S.HRG.113-501 1037-B 2015-0117-P CC Change class to Y 4.G 74/9:S.HRG.113-501/V.2 114470
Academic Research Instruments and Instrumentation Needs, 1992 NS 1.2:AC 1 0834-C 94-0369-P CC Change class to: NS 1.2:AC 1/7. 113955
Status of the Decommissioning Program Annual Report (Annual) (EL) Y 3.N 88:10-17/ 1051-H-63 EL-only UN New class and item no. Libraries selecting 1051-H-48 will have 1051-H-63 added to their selection profile. Purl:http://purl.fdlp.gov/gpo55229 113954
Partner Profile:BARTELS Truckline, Inc., Fuel Economy EP 6.52:P 94/5 0483-E-22 El-only CC Change class to EP 4.52:P 94/5 113952
Partner Profile:Office Depot, Fuel Economy EP 6.52:P 94/6 0483-E-22 El-only CC Change class to EP 4.52:P 94/6 113951
Partner Profile:Braun's Express, Fuel Economy EP 6.52:P 94/2 0483-E-22 EL-only CC Change class to EP 4.52:P 94/2 113949
Rules of Procedure and Jurisdiction (biennial) (EL) Y 4.B 22/3-11: 1035-E-01 UN New class and item no. Libraries selecting 1035-E will have 1035-E-01 added to their selection profile. 113948