WEBTech Notes

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Title SuDoc No. Item No. Shipping List No. Category Notes Record No. Created Last Modified
Using Parallel Banded Linear System Solvers in Generalized Eigenvalue Problems NAS 1.26:191546 0830-H-14 1994-0250-M CC Change class to: NAS 1.26:191540. 91473
Evaluation of Alternative Detection Technologies for Trains and Highway Vehicles at Highway Rail Intersections TD 7.2:EV 1/2 0982-H-02 2004-0268-M CC Change class to: TD 3.15:03/04. Correct item no. 0701-C. 92272
Make Your Parties Rock Substance-Free, A Guide to Safe and Sober Event Planning, July 2001 TD 8.64:2001/2 0982-D-48 2005-0005-E CC Change class to: TD 8.8:P 25/3/CD. Correct item no. 0982-D-03. 92346
China's Energy Needs and Strategies: Hearing Before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, 108th-1st, October 30, 2003 Y 3.2:C 44/P 76 1089 2004-0083-P CC Change class to: Y 3.2:C 44/EN 2. 92577
Disabled Vet Denied: Bureaucratic Injustice Y 4.AG 4:S.HRG.101-235 1009-B-01 91-0744-P CC Change class to: Y 4.AG 4:S.HRG.101-1290. 92862
108-1 Hrg., Indian Gaming Regulatory Act, Part 1, May 14, 2003 Y 4.G 74/9:S.HRG.108-67/PT.1 1037-B 2003-0272-P CC Change class to: Y 4.IN 2/11:S.HRG.108-67/PT.1, correct item no. 1009-B-05. 93268
108-1 Hrg., Indian Gaming Regulatory Act, Part 1, May 14, 2003 Y 4.G 74/9:S.HRG.108-67/PT.1 1037-C 2003-0479-M CC Change class to: Y 4.IN 2/11:S.HRG.108-67/PT.1, correct item no. 1009-C-05. 93270
Federal Acknowledgment Administrative Procedures Act of 1989 Y 4.IN 2/11:S.HRG.101-170/PTS.1-2 1009-B-05 89-0734-P CC Change class to: Y 4.IN 2/11:S.HRG.101-270/PTS.1-2. 93300
Indian Development Finance Corporation Act, Indian Economic Development Act of 1989, Implementation of the 1988 Indian Financing Act Amendments Y 4.IN 2/11:S.HRG.101-400 1009-B-05 90-0105-P CC Change class to: Y 4.IN 2/11:S.HRG.101-402. 93301
Comparison of Certain Provisions of H.R. 4520 as Passed by the House of Representatives and as Amended by the Senate: Job Creation Tax Incentives for Manufacturing, Small Business, and Farming Y 4.T 19/4:J 57/4 1002-A EL-Only CC Change class to: Y 4.T 19/4:J 57/5. 93492