WEBTech Notes

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Title SuDoc No. Item No. Shipping List No. Category Notes Record No. Created Last Modified
Electronic Products PREX 1.21: 0851-J-10 UN New (EL) Libraries selecting 0851-J-07 will now receive this title. Submit a deselection form if you do not wish to receive further issues. 107506
IITF Activity Reports PREX 23.11: 0857-P-03 UN New (Quarterly) (EL) Libraries selecting 0856-A-11 will now receive this title. Submit a deselection form if you do not wish to receive further issues. URL: http://www.iitf.nist.gov/activity.html 107535
Electronic Products PREX 23.12: 0857-P-03 UN New (EL) Libraries selecting 0857-P-03 will now receive this title. Submit a deselection form if you do not wish to receive further issues. 107536
Reinvention Express PRVP 42.16: 0851-J-09 UN New (EL) URL: http://www.npr.gov/library/index.html 107572
Electronic Products PRVP 42.17: 0851-J-09 UN New (E) Libraries selecting 0851-J-07 will now receive this title. Submit a deselection form if you do not wish to receive further issues. 107574
Smithsonian Web magazine SI 1.45: 0910-X UN New (EL) URL: http://www.smithsonianmag.si.edu/smithsonian/toccurrent.shtml 107666
Electronic Products SI 1.47: 0910-X UN New (E) Libraries selecting 0982-L will now receive this title. Please submit a deselection form if you do not wish to receive further issues. 107667
Increase and Diffusion SI 1.46: 0910-X UN New (EL) URL: http://www.si.edu/i+d/index.html 107669
Treasury News T 1.2/3: 0923-B-02 UN New (EL) Libraries selecting 0923-B will now receive this title. Please submit a deselection form if you do not wish to receive further issues. URL: http://www.ustreas.gov/treasury/press/ 107749
Handbooks, Manuals and Guides Y 3.P 38/2:8 1070-N-01 UN New (P) Libraries selecting 1070-N will now receive this title. Please submit a deselection form if you do not wish to receive further issues. 108320